e. The surrounding morning light quickly appeared and condensed into a sword.

e. The surrounding morning light quickly appeared and condensed into a sword.

She wants to play the role of “Guardian” and go up to block the “King of the North”.
She believes that Gehrman Sparrow must have his purpose in hiding next to Yurisian. All he lacks is time.
At this moment, a figure shrouded in the light of dawn rushed in front of the frost dragon.
This is none other than Giant Grossel
His chest was sunken, his gray-blue skin turned white, and the broadsword in his hand had spider web-like cracks, but he still bravely faced the enemy.
Grossel seemed to be burning with life, emitting light and heat, and struck the target with a sword.
“A giant never backs down”
/Amid the roar, Grossel blocked the frost dragon’s blows again and again, and because one of the opponent’s front paws was crippled, he still had the energy to dodge the ice-blue breath.
/“Imprisonment” and “Retribution Knight” Long Zell ran over and began to restrict the movements of the “King of the North”. Edwina also found a tacit understanding. She waited until Yurisian broke away from the restraints angrily before detonating its emotions and allowing control. Continuously, high-speed collisions no longer occur. Anderson sometimes throws blazing spears, sometimes creates condensed fireballs, injuring the opponent to the greatest extent again and again. After Mobet slows down, he continues to steal ideas and abilities. , interfering with the frost dragon’s attack.
Yurisian twice tried to spread his wings, flap the ice and snow, and fly into the air. However, he was affected by Long Zell’s superimposed “flight prohibition” twice, making it difficult and slow, and he could only give up.
Klein, who was constantly changing positions at its feet, was manipulating the “Spirit Thread” bit by bit. He had already reached the 20-second limit, but he still failed because the “King of the North”‘s spirit was powerful and crazy.
After a while, there was a loud noise. After being contaminated by the frost dragon’s breath, the broadsword in Grosell’s hand was hit by the front paw. It immediately cracked completely and turned into countless fragments, shooting towards different people. Location splash.
With a pop-pop sound, the invisible wall in front of Grossel, which had reached its limit, was penetrated, and several fragments penetrated deeply into his head and into his chest.
Long Zell, the nearest “Punishing Knight”, also had no time to dodge, and his side armor was shattered, and the corresponding location was covered in blood and flesh.
“A giant never backs down”
Grossell roared again, the morning light shone brightly on his body, and there was a pure lightsaber in his hand.
With his face dark red and almost black with blood flowing, he blocked another attack from the frost dragon.
At this time, Klein was manipulating the “Spirit Thread” like playing a harp string, and finally saw the dawn of preliminary control.
Three seconds, two seconds, one second
“King of the North” Yurisian’s movements suddenly became stuck, and every joint in his b

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