ame to the nearest Tuscat Island to seek supplies.

ame to the nearest Tuscat Island to seek supplies.

You’re here too, Klein’s lips curled up slightly, realizing that there’s nothing more suitable for hunting “demon” than a chance encounter.
As soon as he had an evil thought in his heart, Gilcias noticed it and turned his head to look at the entrance of the bar.
Without hesitation, Klein grabbed the beer on the table next to him and threw it over.
Then, he pulled out his revolver and aimed coldly over there.
Gilgeous just turned sideways slightly, and the glass of beer fell onto the round table next to him, making a mess.
When the gunshot rang out, he did not dodge at all. He seemed to have intuitively seen through the illusion. In the chaotic environment where drunkards and gamblers squatted down and held their heads or fled in all directions, his body jumped up like a spring, and his eyes Locked in the cold adventurer wearing a top hat and dress at the entrance.
Gehrman Sparrow Gilsea’s pupils shrank, his mouth opened, and he was about to speak “obscene words” originating from the abyss.
At this moment, Klein really pulled the trigger, and a pale gold bullet that looked like it had just been fished out of hot water was shot out, heading towards the “Slaughterer” with a bounty of 9,500 pounds.
/However, Gilcias just raised his right hand slightly, spread his fingers, and ignited a light blue flame in his palm, and he caught the bullet unimaginably.
The bullet suddenly fell into the “cage” and solidified in the light blue flames. The sunlight that burst out from it could only offset all of this.
Beside Gilcias, two figures stood up one after another, one was a short-haired woman holding up two guns, and the other was a rough man wearing boxing gloves.
Obviously, he came to Toscat Port to look for supplies. He was not alone. In other words, he must have known partners here.
The three Beyonders Gilcias might still be Sequence 5. At this moment, Klein almost blurted out words like “Sorry to bother you.”
To attack the “Devil”, you cannot prepare in advance, you must rely on chance encounters, and you cannot hesitate at all, otherwise the opponent will immediately sense the malice and danger.
However, under such circumstances, it is really difficult to say which one is more beneficial to the situation.
Klein turned around without hesitation, holding the revolver, and quickly and quickly rushed through the crowd of people in the bar and over the squatting drunken gamblers to the stairs leading to the second floor of the bar.
As soon as he dodged in, a light blue fireball hit the edge of the stairs and expanded and exploded instantly.
The bottom half of the stairs collapsed, the entire bar shook, and a strong smell of sulfur spread out.
Gilcias and his two accomplices jumped over the bottom of the stairs without delay, chasing Gehrman Sparrow wildly.
Deng Deng Deng
Klein rushed to the second floor and quickly started exploring the “Spirit Thread” on the way.
This allowed him to easily find a spacious room without humans. With a turn o

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