ged. As soon as the sole of his foot slipped, he instinctively moved back and changed his position continuously.

ged. As soon as the sole of his foot slipped, he instinctively moved back and changed his position continuously.

Argos gave no chase, and seemed to have lost all reason in his eyes, leaving only pure malice, madness, and obvious confusion.
He raised his hands, pressed his head from both sides, and pulled it hard, causing it to return to the correct orientation with a crisp click.
And all around this artificial vampire, darkness surged deeply, as if it was about to swallow everything.
Then, Argos moved his dangling neck from left to right. The entire body surface was swollen and rotten, and disgusting pus leaked out.
He came to see Galis Kevin tonight because he was showing signs of losing control and needed to discuss a solution. When he turned back midway, he suddenly thought that the harsh environment might be harmful to someone with an extraordinary sense of smell and sensitive senses. He had a strong negative impact, which led to signs of loss of control.
At this time, under the shadow of death, he completely collapsed and truly lost control.
Emlyn White’s heart trembled when Argos glanced at him. He felt that he was in trouble again. He couldn’t help but secretly cursed these “primordial moon” believers for always making themselves look like monsters.
/He did not pray to Mr. Fool immediately. Firstly, it was too late and the opponent was about to attack. Secondly, in a one-on-one situation, Emlyn thought that it would not be too dangerous for him to deal with the out-of-control Sequence 7.
He seized the moment and quickly flipped through “Lemanno’s Travel Notes”, letting it freeze again at “Lightning Strike”.
Thick, twisted silver-white lightning with claws spread out struck heavily, hitting the mutated Argos.
At this moment, the lightning seemed to shatter the surging darkness, and seemed to be swallowed up by the deep opponent. Both disappeared at the same time, leaving only Argos whose eyes were finally locked on Emlyn.
This out-of-control artificial vampire actually dragged out the afterimage and pounced on the target.
Emlyn dwarfed and rolled on the spot, dodging the fatal blow.
At the same time, his right hand that was not holding the “Lemano Travel Notes” reached into his pocket and took out a metal bottle.
Argos turned quickly and was close to the enemy in an instant.
Emlyn, who didn’t have time to open the bottle cap, used his fingers to pinch out the gap in the metal bottle.
Then, he threw the bottle forward, letting the pure and brilliant liquid inside spill onto Argos who rushed towards him.
This is the “water of the sun” he mixed with spiritual materials, which is very effective against vampires.
This is the preparation made by the “Poison Professor” in advance
Argos, who was directly hit, let out a shrill scream on the spot, plumes of black smoke evaporated from his body, and lost power in mid-air.
Bang Although he hit Emlyn, he could only make the opponent lose his balance and roll twice without any real damage.
While rolling, Emlyn ignored the injury and

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