on just now.

on just now.

“Miss Justice is indeed a young lady from a noble family. I don’t know her specific name. I’ll ask Macht or Bishop Elektra later.”
While his thoughts were swirling, Klein frowned slightly. He always felt that someone was watching him. He followed his spiritual intuition and glanced at the door.
In the shadows outside the door, a large golden retriever dog was squatting there silently.
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When the golden retriever’s Ning eyes came into view from the shadows, Klein’s forehead jumped slightly, not hiding the fact that he was a little frightened.
His eyes immediately turned away and looked at Miss Justice’s group.
It’s really scary. What corner is this dog hiding in? It just seemed to be looking at everyone in the hall. Well, Miss Justice seems to have fed the animals an “audience” potion. She once complained to the animal about this. Mr. “The Hanged Man” is asking for advice. Isn’t this a golden retriever? There are two “audiences”, one is in the light and the other is in the dark. Which “actor” can withstand it? In the upper class society, the “audience” should be more than just Miss Justice. She joined the Psychological Alchemy Society and was also led by other nobles. It seemed that Duchess Negan’s sister, Klein, was slandering and analyzing as she walked towards the Macht family and asked casually:
/“The few people who came in just now seem to be very noble.”
Macht glanced at Dwayne Dantès and chuckled:
“The Earl of Eastchester belongs to the family, you can just call him Earl Hall, you should have heard of him.
“That’s his wife, Lady Catelyn, and that’s his eldest son, Lord Hibbert, you’ve seen it”
After hearing Senator Macht’s introduction, Klein suddenly felt ashamed, because he had indeed seen Hibbert Hall at the ball held by the other party, but he had not paid attention to this Lord at all just now, otherwise he would not have known which noble family this was. question.
Klein was shocked by Miss Justice’s sudden appearance and kept smiling and listening.
Congressman Macht continued:
“That’s his daughter, Miss Audrey Hall. In the past two years, she has been known as Backlund’s most dazzling jewel in society. This is very realistic, isn’t it?”
Without waiting for Dwayne Dantès to respond, he politely nodded:
“Her suitors include princes, heirs to dukes, and many noble lords and gentlemen.”
The hidden meaning of Representative Macht is very clear, that is, as a guy with a wide range of interests in women, you should not have any ideas about this young lady. She is a target that you cannot and cannot touch.
What went through Klein’s mind was another thought:
“It turns out that Miss Justice is the daughter of Earl Hall. No wonder she is so rich. No wonder she never bargains.
“Earl Hall is one of the top bankers in the kingdom, the most influential member of the House of Lords, and one of the hereditary nobles. His net worth is only a lot more than that of Baron Syndras.
“Even if Miss Justice cannot inherit the title and family fo

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