he visible bruises on his body.

he visible bruises on his body.

Although there are only edible black-faced grasses around Silver City, there are more than just this kind of plants. They are of many kinds and strange. They rely on various abilities to survive and reproduce in an environment where there is no sun, only lightning and darkness, and Silver City One of the traditions is to select different plants, match the corresponding organs of monsters, and boil them into various ointments. This is very effective in treating most injuries and diseases, so that most residents will not lose their lives because of a small problem.
This is a tradition formed by generations of “demon hunters” who have continuously simplified and fixed the magical potions, holy ointments, and essential oil formulas they obtained through magic potions into lower-level products.
After applying the ointment and smelling the slightly pungent smell, Derrick was about to put on his clothes when he suddenly heard a knock on the door.
/His mental instinct tightened, and he picked up the “Thunder God’s Roar”, a giant blue hammer wrapped with lightning, and cautiously approached the door, ready to kill monsters emerging from the darkness at any time.
“Who?” Derrick asked in a deep voice.
A slightly thick voice came from outside:
At the same time, pieces of clear light illuminated the door cracks and windows. This was the ability of the “Dawn Knight”.
Derrick relaxed, opened the door and greeted:
“Valier, aren’t you going to lead a patrol today?”
Valier, who is two meters tall, is Derrick’s new friend and the friend he most recognizes, because he often restrains his strength to a large extent and is a person who takes good care of his companions.
In addition, it is the Valer team that recently patrolled the area including the former chief’s tomb.
Valier has brown hair similar to Derrick’s and a thick beard. His favorite activity is fighting with others. He heard this and said with a smile:
“The six-member council just ordered our team to bypass the area where the former chief’s tomb is located, and this is the last place left for our patrol mission.
“Let’s go to the training ground and do some exercise.”
The “Six-person Council” specially asked the patrol team to bypass that area. They can open the door to the former chief’s mausoleum today. I don’t know what will happen. I hope there is no conspiracy on the part of Elder Lovia. Derrick was shocked and suddenly felt I click on the link, but I don’t know what I can do.
Just when he was hesitantly putting on his clothes and preparing to go out and go to the training ground with Valier, a figure grew out of the darkness of the street and said:
“Derrick Berg, the chief wants you to go to the dome to meet him.”
At the top of the round tower is the room belonging to the chief elder of the “Six-person Council”.
Colin Iliad has a tall figure by Silver City standards, with messy gray hair that has not been taken care of. He has heavy nasolabial folds on his face, but there are no wrinkles in other places. There ar

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