lace built by humans. Could it be that the temple used for worship is the same Klein I saw in my dream? His thoughts were racing, and he suddenly heard a few footsteps approaching from far away.

lace built by humans. Could it be that the temple used for worship is the same Klein I saw in my dream? His thoughts were racing, and he suddenly heard a few footsteps approaching from far away.

He looked up and saw a familiar face, a face that often appeared in newspapers.
Square face, thick eyebrows, strong nose, short dark blond hair, blue eyes, tight lips, all these belong to a celebrity in Tingen, philanthropist, entrepreneur, and owner of this library, Deville Jazz.
/Next to Deville was the middle-aged housekeeper that Klein had met before.
Klein watched them passing by from a distance of about ten meters. He raised his right hand curiously and tapped the center of his brow twice.
Various colors emerged, and aura came into his eyes. Klein casually examined Sir De Vere’s condition.
“The body is very healthy, and there are almost no hidden problems. The mood is very bad, and the bleakness reveals a weak spirit. He cannot sleep well. But the problem is, there is nothing wrong with the purple color on his head.” While Klein was muttering silently to himself, Sir Deville The group walked farther and farther and left the library.
Looking away, Klein pinched his forehead and sighed secretly:
“It’s not easy to be a rich man.”
He didn’t pay much attention to this matter and turned his attention again to the journals in front of him.
/After reading each article, Klein found no very useful clues, but only confirmed a few things:
First of all, an ancient country did exist in and around the main peak of the Honakis Mountains; secondly, the history of this ancient country can be traced back to at least 1,500 years ago; thirdly, their architectural style is mainly grand, leaving Various murals were painted. It can be seen from the murals that they believed that after death, relatives would be protected in the dark night. Finally, in those ruins, symbols symbolizing the night can be seen everywhere, but they are also related to the Holy Emblem of the Night. Significantly different.
“If there is a chance, no, even if there is a chance, I will not go there.” Klein gritted his teeth and whispered, deciding to stay away from seeking death.
He packed up the journals and magazines and returned them to their original places. Then, he put on his hat, picked up his cane, and left the De Vere Library.
Fortune Tellers Club.
Bogda looked at the beautiful lady in charge of reception and said:
“I want to divine.”
Angelica smiled politely and said:
“Do you have a designated fortune teller? Or, look through our introduction and choose the one that suits you best.”
Bogda pressed the right side of his abdomen, took a silent breath and said:
“I would like to ask Mr. Klein Moretti to help me divine.”
“But Mr. Moretti is not here today.” Angelica replied without confirmation.
Bogda fell silent for a moment and walked back and forth:
“When will Mr. Moretti come?”
“No one knows, he has his own things to do. According to my observation, he comes most often on Monday afternoons.” Angelica said while thinking.
“Okay.” Bogda’s

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