each other, it’s time for me to say goodbye.”

each other, it’s time for me to say goodbye.”

After saying this, he walked to the door, turned the handle, and left the room.
Sitting in the easy chair, Gehrman Sparrow watched his back covered inch by inch by the wooden door until it completely disappeared, and suddenly chuckled:
“What a great stickman.”
“Yes.” Dwayne Dantès, who was standing next to the easy chair, found a seat and sat down, picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip.
He, who had white temples and deep blue eyes, and Gehrman Sparrow, who had a thin and angular face, immediately looked at each other and smiled at the same time.
On Monday afternoon, Dwayne Dantès took out his gold pocket watch, opened it, took a look, and said to Haggis sitting opposite:
“We are almost arriving at our destination. I think you need to take a rest in advance.”
“Great advice.” Haggis agreed.
Dwayne Dantès pointed to the street ahead:
“There is a hotel there. Let’s rest for half a day and start again tomorrow morning.”
Haggis did not object, turned to the front, and gave some instructions to the coachman.
After checking in, Dwayne Dantès declined Haggis’s afternoon tea invitation on the grounds of taking a nap.
After more than half an hour, above the boundless gray fog, Klein sat down in the seat belonging to The Fool.
Why is there such a sudden feeling? I think the problem is not the plot, but the structure. As a long novel, many foreshadowings and descriptions are too far apart. When finally putting it together, mental description may be more suitable than white description, and there will be no emphasis on the front. The back is light, so that the falling layer can be laid thicker.
Rays of crimson light rose up and solidified into different human shapes on both sides of the long bronze table.
The eternal silence above the gray mist was then broken, and the grand ancient palace became filled with indescribable vitality.
As soon as “Justice” Audrey regained awareness of her surroundings, she was about to stand up and leave her seat, saluting the top of the long bronze table and saying hello.
At this time, as a senior “audience”, she was keenly aware that this gathering was a little different:
Two more members than last week
One of them is a man, sitting to the right of Mr. “Moon”, and one is a woman, sitting to the left of “The Hermit”.
Audrey was first subconsciously happy for the development of the Tarot Society, and then followed her “professional” instinct and made a quick observation.
/Based on her own position, it was easier for her to look at the gentleman diagonally opposite than the lady two people away in the same row without leaving a trace, so she focused most of her attention there.
Black hair with green eyes. Sitting without a coat, vest, or shirt is a bit awkward. She doesn’t seem to like to sit so seriously. Her height is around 180 by visual inspection. Her temperament is a bit loose and her state is tight. With just one glance, “Justice” Audrey came from The vague figure “read” a lot of information.
She immediately dis

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