e than a quarter of an hour… He is dealing with other things, very important things? Is it related to the death of George III?”

e than a quarter of an hour… He is dealing with other things, very important things? Is it related to the death of George III?”

In any case, the delay of a quarter of an hour was not a serious problem. Audrey quickly recovered her thoughts and her mood improved a lot:
/“We’ll find out the truth from Mr. World later.
“I hope this incident will not have more serious consequences besides triggering a full-scale war, and war is currently unavoidable…”
Backlund, North District, underground of St. Samuel’s Church.
“Mr. Fool didn’t say he would help me…” Emlyn White held a glass of red liquid and frowned slightly.
He immediately interpreted the symbolic meaning of this response from another angle:
“Mr. ‘Fool’ specifically emphasized that the Tarot session will continue as usual in the afternoon. Does he want to tell me that the chance of getting out of the predicament lies with a certain member? Isn’t it still the ‘Star’?
“Well, anyway, I should be able to leave here this week.”
——Because Emlyn is being held protectively behind the Chanis Gate of St. Samuel’s Church, no matter what happens outside Backlund, it is unlikely to affect him, and it is impossible for him to suddenly successfully escape from prison. Go to the place where there are the remains of the “Blood Emperor”, so when Klein hinted at other members last week, he left him out.
Silver City, Berg family.
After hearing Mr. Fool’s response, Derrick jumped out of bed, his excitement palpable.
Mr. “Fool” has not disappeared! Mr. “Fool” did not abandon Silver City like the Creator did!
He paced back and forth a few steps, and immediately rushed out of the room, headed to the Twin Towers, and told the chief the good news.
But more than a year of growth still left a distinct mark on Derrick. He finally calmed down and decided to go find the chief after attending the Tarot gathering and receiving the promise of blessings.
“Perhaps, this period of non-response is Mr. Fool’s test for me, the Chief, and Silver City to see if we will quickly fall to the Fallen Creator…” I don’t know when it started, Derrick’s The pattern of thoughts has a bit of a “hanged man” color.
Of course, he did not have any unnecessary thoughts because of this. In his understanding, it is normal for gods to test believers. The original creator left many similar legends.
After finishing thinking, Derrick still couldn’t sit still and was still pacing back and forth in the room.
He looked forward to the “afternoon” Tarot session like never before.
——In Silver City, in the Land Abandoned by the Gods, afternoon is a relatively abstract concept, because there are not enough signs to determine it. They can only define day and night by the amount of lightning, and cannot make further subdivisions.
Backlund, East District, in a two-bedroom rental house.
“Ha.” Forsi couldn’t help laughing after receiving Mr. Fool’s response.
As a best-selling novel writer, she has a rich imagination. During the period when Mr. Fool did not respond, she had already weaved one terrifying story af

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