orth, or practicing artillery. All the undead creatures are proving that this is the flagship “Black Tulip” of “Admiral Hell”.

orth, or practicing artillery. All the undead creatures are proving that this is the flagship “Black Tulip” of “Admiral Hell”.

The difference from the last time Klein saw it was that there were many living Beyonders on the Black Tulip at this time.
The captain, “Admiral of Hell” Ludwell, with a thin rapier on his waist, wearing a lace shirt, a gorgeous coat, a white skull tricorn hat, and a silver-white mask on his face, was standing at the entrance of the cabin. Look this way.
/Suddenly, the square black ring worn by Ludwell on his right hand trembled slightly, and light flashed.
The pale flames in the proud pirate general’s eyes swayed visibly, and finally shrank to the extreme.
Immediately afterwards, Ludwell bent his back, facing Azik Eggers under the dull, surprised or lifeless eyes of the crew, crawling on the ground, and kissed the deck.
Seeing the reaction of “Admiral of Hell” Ludwell, Klein, like the surviving crew members on the “Black Tulip”, almost couldn’t believe his eyes.
/There were two scenarios he originally envisioned:
First, Ludwell asked the demigods of the Spiritual Religion for help to ambush Gehrman Sparrow and the strong men behind him. This is not impossible. Sequence 7 of the “Death” path is called “Psychic”, which is also possible. The ability to predict the coming danger.
Second, the “Hell Admiral” was unprepared and resisted forcefully, but was easily solved by Mr. Azik.
Who knows, “Hell Admiral” didn’t do anything to resist. He just knelt on the ground and kissed the deck. He was Azik’s most loyal and humble servant.
How could he fight like this? Klein stared blankly ahead, not knowing whether he should say something.
The entire boat was also quiet.
Azik raised his hand and pressed the silk hat on his head, and walked slowly and quickly towards Ludwell, who was kneeling on the ground.
One step, two steps, three steps, he stopped in front of “Hell Admiral” Ludwell, and said in a low voice:
“What stage has the Spiritual Religion’s artificial death plan progressed?”
Ludwell’s forehead was firmly pressed against the ground and he replied hoarsely:
“The Artificial Death God has been able to actively affect high-sequence people who have failed to advance, but it is not yet able to respond to prayers and rituals.”
After describing it, he raised his upper body slightly, took off the square black ring on his right hand, held it in both hands, and handed it to the front.
Silently, the ring seemed to be supported by countless spirits, flew up on its own, and fell into Azik’s palm.
Azik looked at it for a few seconds, then twisted the ring and put it on the index finger of his left hand.
Suddenly, a terrifying, deep and indescribable feeling of superiority spread out from him. The living corpses and skeletons, who were either naked or wearing tattered leather armor, knelt down on one knee and lowered their heads, as if they only dared to look directly at him. Looking at his leather boots, the flying resentful spirits and shadows also fell to the ground and clung to the deck, wit

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