himself with his hands.

himself with his hands.

himself with his hands.
/“Nanfu branch? So far!” Chen Ming said in surprise.
“Sooner or later she will be!” Zhao Ke said quickly to smooth things over.
Si Jue had a cold face.
“I am not a member of your association.”
But even so, the moment he heard that he was not a member of the congregation, Chen Ming’s aura like an abyss suddenly appeared on his body, causing goosebumps on the bodies of Zhao Ke and Si Jue.
Although the Guangyao Society is not a big secret in the Zhongfu, many people know it, but everyone knows that being too upright and without any discipline of confidentiality is ultimately a bad rule.
Lin Xin’s eyes lit up.
“My keepsake was accidentally lost. Please ask the head of the branch to help with it. It would be better to have some inconvenience in Zhongfu.”
“Let me confirm it first. If it is true, such a small matter will not be a problem.” Chen Ming said cheerfully.
/After he finished speaking, he quickly took out a small box from the storage bag. The box was opened, and inside was a small piece of black stuff like a plant rhizome.
He asked Lin Xin for a piece of hair and put it on the thing. Then he muttered a mantra in his mouth.
Soon, the stem melted slowly, and the hair inside it swam slightly like an insect, and soon tied itself into a dark character in the mucus.
Seeing this word, Chen Ming also nodded slightly.
“Yes, Brother Honghua is indeed a member of the branch, and an important member. In this case, there is no problem with the route guide and identity certificate. I will issue it to you quickly. In addition, because the token is made of special materials, you need to It will take some time, so please wait a little longer.”
Lin Xin nodded.
“That’s no problem.”
“These are all minor problems.” Chen Ming said with a smile, “Now there are four major branches in the guild. Beibei was disturbed by a murderer from the Transformation Cave some time ago. Many key experts were exposed and died because of this. ” The Red Ridge Sect has gone too far. Not only did they not cooperate with us, they also reached a consensus with the Transformation Cave.
Didn’t Mr. Gongsun and the head of the department rush to the north some time ago?” Zhao Keran was stunned.
“So now our place is empty. Didn’t you see all the white belts here?” Chen Ming said helplessly. “The people in the Cave of Transformation are getting more and more arrogant.”
He sighed.
“Now all our branches in the east are short of manpower, mainly experts. There is no expert in charge, which is also troublesome. There are many affairs that cannot be handled, and the people in the Cave of Transformation are becoming more and more arrogant. They used to say that Dong Gongsun, Xi Bairen “It’s a pity that Mr. Gongsun was transferred to the headquarters after the death of the swordsman.” He didn’t finish his sentence, but the meaning was obvious.
“That’s right. I heard my grandfather say that the older generation’s pillars of the association are dying, and now the association is in trouble. That’s why”
Due t

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