“The energy body is connecting to the brain.”

“The energy body is connecting to the brain.”

“The energy body is connecting to the brain.”
“Not stable.”
“Increase the energy level.”
“The connection is stable.”
“Teleporting Trojan program ”
/“Trojan program transfer completed”
“Identity matching”
“Matched successfully”
“Verify transmission key”
“Key passed”
“Transportation gate is opening”
“You can go in.” Jiang Jinyuan said to Liu Gan with relief.
“Brother Liu! Don’t go, okay? It’s too dangerous!” Anna rushed over and took Liu Gan’s arm.
“The Trojan program is attacked”
“Energy is unstable”
“The portal is about to close”
Liu Gan pushed Anna away and jumped into the portal.
After Liu Qian entered the portal, the portal suddenly shrank inwards, made a strange sound and then disappeared out of thin air.
“Brother Liu” Anna shook her head, feeling very heartbroken.
Jiang Jinyuan succeeded.
Liu Gan completed the transmission.
And there are no heavy guards or traps around.
But when Liu Qian opened his eyes, he doubted whether he had been teleported to the wrong place.
He was lying on a piece of grass in the jungle, with birds chirping and flowers fragrant everywhere, and the warm sun shining down from the sky, making him unable to open his eyes.
“Is there any mistake?” After Liu Qian came to his senses, he sat up suddenly.
Isn’t the headquarters of the Holy Sword located in the far north of Tundra City? It’s covered in ice and snow and extremely cold. What’s with the sunshine and the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers?
Back to the real world?
The coordinates are wrong?
It can’t be so wrong, right?
“He’s here!”
“Has someone been teleported here again?”
“Let’s go over and take a look. Maybe we can get some news.”
The voices of several men and women talking came over, and then they were seen emerging from the woods. He came out and came to the open space where Liu Qian was.
A man in his twenties greeted Liu Gan. He was accompanied by a man and a woman. All three of them were carrying bamboo baskets on their backs. The bamboo baskets looked like they contained some vegetables. s things.
“Hello.” Liu Qian was looking for someone to know where this place was, so he responded politely to the man.
“Did you just teleport from the real world? We heard some movement here, so we came over to take a look.” The man asked Liu Gan.
“Yes.” Liu Qian immediately judged one thing from the man’s words. This was not the real world.
“You must be confused now about why the feeling in the game is so similar to reality, right?” Another man came over and asked Liu Gan excitedly.
“Yeah! I’m just playing a game, what?” Liu Gan pretended to be surprised and confused, and followed the man’s words.
“We are trapped in the game. You can’t go back to the real world for the time being, but don’t worry, life here is not bad. As long as you work hard, you have a chance to do better than in the real world.” The man who came first Talking to Liu Qian eagerly.
“I’m playing a zombie game. Are there any zombies here?” Liu Gan pretended to be scared.

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