ao Song with admiration, “The advertising industry in Kyoto is analyzing your cases. According to them, your activities are worth 80 million yuan in CCTV advertising.” There was no one else, Zhao Song did not hide his proud look, and then collapsed, “The good thing of free is gone, from now on, Tesla will have to start spending money!”

ao Song with admiration, “The advertising industry in Kyoto is analyzing your cases. According to them, your activities are worth 80 million yuan in CCTV advertising.” There was no one else, Zhao Song did not hide his proud look, and then collapsed, “The good thing of free is gone, from now on, Tesla will have to start spending money!”

ao Song with admiration, “The advertising industry in Kyoto is analyzing your cases. According to them, your activities are worth 80 million yuan in CCTV advertising.” There was no one else, Zhao Song did not hide his proud look, and then collapsed, “The good thing of free is gone, from now on, Tesla will have to start spending money!”
Sister Dada asked with interest : “How much have you prepared?”
“12 million!” Zhao Song said with pride.
“Pfft~” Sister Dada laughed again, “Let’s not talk about fantasy, do you know what Tongfang’s budget is?”
Sister Dada spread her palms out, “It’s five times your number, but look at it In the overwhelming advertising and marketing these days, are you deeply impressed by it?”
Zhao Song shook his head.
/Sister Dada spread her hands and signaled Zhao Song to continue the unfinished topic.
Zhao Song said unhurriedly: “I can do 80 million without spending money. What about 12 million?”
/Handing a form to the two of them, he continued, “Except for the color page advertisements in all daily newspapers, I We need you to fulfill your obligations as Tesla’s general agent. You should be responsible for the main screen advertisements in commercial streets everywhere. It won’t take long, just 10 seconds.”
Xingsheng looked at the form and nodded, “These don’t cost much. No problem.”
Sister Dada on the side also responded.
“We have already discussed the sub-headlines of the two major IT websites and the three major portals. I would like to ask Xingsheng and Jiaming to help get a square advertisement on the homepage!”
“At this time?” Xingsheng looked at him in surprise, “How much is the public relations fee? “No! ”
Zhao Song shook his head and said confidently: “I also want the best planning, copywriting, art, fonts, photography and other advertising-related personnel in the marketing departments of your two companies.”
Zhao Song stood straight. He said, “Olympic Committee, let’s put it in a nutshell, we are taking advantage of the momentum of the Olympic Games. This time, let me show you what is marketing by taking advantage of the momentum! And the two things just now are the tuition fees of your two companies.”
The conference room was quiet. down.
After a long while, Sister Dada said: “Sign a gambling agreement. If the advertising effect does not meet expectations, Tesla needs to compensate for the corresponding expenses.”
“No problem!”
“Last question,” Xingsheng Wagging his finger, he pointed at an item on the list and said, “There is no problem with Kyoto TV’s sports news, but what does the next TV series advertisement have to do with the Olympics?”
Zhao Song smiled and said, “Uncle, it doesn’t matter, but it’s cheap!”
After seeing off Sister Dada and Xingsheng, Zhao Song and Ding Tao stood at the door of the conference room, looking at the bustling Zhonghai Electronics Market. Zhao Song glanced at Ding Tao and said, “If I hadn’t looked for you at the beginning.
” Okay, let’s go and dream about being an assembly line worker.”
“Is the monthly salary the

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