oked and half cooked, a burst of thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and then huge raindrops hit the ground desperately.

oked and half cooked, a burst of thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and then huge raindrops hit the ground desperately.

oked and half cooked, a burst of thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and then huge raindrops hit the ground desperately.
“Holy crap! Did you make a mistake?” The players looked at the sky and couldn’t help but cursed.
Although the weather has been gloomy, players who have lived in the Thriller world for so long are very accustomed to gloomy weather, and they don’t even feel that there is any inevitable connection between gloomy weather and rain. But now this thunderstorm obviously came at the wrong time and extinguished the campfire, which meant that the wild wolves wandering nearby would rush into the fenced camp and attack the players without any scruples.
The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the players had nothing to cover them from the rain, and there was no way to cover it from such a heavy rain. They were all soaked to the skin, and they could only watch the bonfire being extinguished by the rain little by little.
Of course, even if he stays in the Galaxy, his half-energy body is only more resistant to hunger than other players. He still needs to eat and drink water. After all, he is only a half-energy body and has not evolved into a full energy body.
The wild wolves here are relatively large and have very long leg bones. The one Liugan got is almost half a meter long, and there is a lot of meat on it. After eating one wolf leg, Liugan is almost full. .
“Beauty! What should we do?”
The other players asked Sun Qi in a panic. It was raining so heavily and the bonfire was put out before the food was cooked, which made people feel very insecure. Sun Qi looked very experienced. When these people had no idea, the first thing they thought of was to ask Sun Qi.
“Eat first! Then face the battle!” Sun Qi glanced at Liu Gan, and pulled out a piece of half-cooked meat from the extinguished fire and ate it. After a tiring day, his body could not face the next step without replenishing energy. Those that challenge.
/Although these half-cooked and basically raw meats don’t taste very good, for the sake of the mission and survival, all players can only overcome their inner obstacles and devour them in big mouthfuls to stop themselves from being hungry. Only then can we have the strength to face the next crisis.
Under the thunderstorm, the campfire was quickly extinguished. The first group of five wild wolves rushed to the fence camp in the rain, jumped over the fence wall, and rushed towards the nine people in the camp. The player launched an attack!
The players picked up wood-cutting axes and fought to the death with these wild wolves. When Liu Gan killed three wild wolves in a row, other players also worked together to kill the other two wild wolves. But in the process, several players were injured by the claws of wild wolves. In the dark, the players’ eyesight was far worse than that of wild wolves, and their bodies were not as agile as wild wolves. They only relied on their numerical advantage. Barely able to defeat this wave of wild wolves.
If more than ten wild wolves come in the next wa

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