re important than any meeting.” The office area is

re important than any meeting.” The office area is

re important than any meeting.” The office area is
not large. Apart from the colorful Pacific Rim map, world map and United States map on three walls, there are only white floors, white computers, black desks, office chairs and other furnishings with single colors.
/Hearing the sound of the door opening, an old man sitting on the office chair with three general stars on his shoulders raised his head and waited quietly for the middle-aged officer to finish speaking. He waved his hand and asked the ‘star officer’ to close the door. Said: “Meg, I was once a field commander, and I can completely understand your mood at this moment.
But we are not civilians. As a soldier, you should remember that the interests of the country are above all else, and the commander’s orders are actions. “Principles.”
Chapter 152: Sailing a boat to sea.
Faced with the amiable attitude of his superiors, the middle-aged officer said forcefully: “Your Excellency, soldiers can make sacrifices for the interests of the country, but you cannot let them know what they are doing.” Die in vain.
I ask you not to use our results in the ‘Ocean Shrimp World’ to measure this invasion.
The armies of those from other worlds did not pose any threat at all under the saturation bombing of long-range artillery coordinated by the Air Force. There is no sex at all, but now the strongest among them has invaded Oahu!
It’s like the virus that was originally stuck on the toilet has invaded the human body. The problem that could have been solved with disinfectant water and a toilet brush is now But we must use highly effective antibiotics or even…”
“Colonel, aren’t Hickam Air Force Base and Kaneohet Bay Hawaii Marine Corps Base already assisting you in dealing with those invaders…” ”
Sir, the problem is not troop strength. The reason is that the soldiers didn’t understand who they were dealing with, and the commanders couldn’t designate correct tactics against the enemy.
Seeing those aliens jumping more than ten meters high like human fleas, everyone was just in a daze. , causing unnecessary casualties, and the soldiers who have already exchanged fire with those aliens will be called back to the camp. This is simply ridiculous and unimaginable…” ”
There is nothing ridiculous about this, everything is handled according to the rules.
Colonel. You should know that there are no troops that have been incorporated into the combat system of the ‘Ocean One World’. You must not know the existence of the other world in advance. This order was jointly submitted to the President for signature by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Department of Defense…”
” Soldiers are sacrificing innocently. If they knew the truth and responded correctly, they might not have to die…” ”
Then you teach them to respond correctly. This is your responsibility as the supreme commander of the Pacific Fleet Naval Special Forces. Responsibility.
Remember that the best soldiers are those who only obey their superiors and cannot think. The orders signed by the President

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