ior sister, the reincarnation of the gods, I infer that this is probably an alternative invasion method of the ‘other world’ civilization in ancient times. If it succeeds, there may be no modern era. Humanity exists.

ior sister, the reincarnation of the gods, I infer that this is probably an alternative invasion method of the ‘other world’ civilization in ancient times. If it succeeds, there may be no modern era. Humanity exists.

ior sister, the reincarnation of the gods, I infer that this is probably an alternative invasion method of the ‘other world’ civilization in ancient times. If it succeeds, there may be no modern era. Humanity exists.
Fortunately, the natural disaster did not give the Tatdu people time to fully perfect their civilization. Just after they occupied the Mizhou continent, their civilization was ruthlessly destroyed. Only a small number of people fled to the poles and survived. .
And for some unknown reason, these survivors have forgotten all the things that happened before. The extraordinary abilities they mastered also gradually disappeared inexplicably.
‘Mesopotamian Civilization’ is also called ‘Food Civilization’. It is said that Everyone in this civilization that was eventually destroyed by the earth’s magnetic pole shift was a chef, and there was nothing special about it, so it was not worth mentioning at all.
Then the climax of the story came. Alien colonists from Orion could The ‘Atlanteans’ who used mysterious gems to control ‘light’ and ‘fire’ discovered the earth, launched a war against the Murians, and opened the last solar era of the ‘Mayan mythology’. In
this lose-lose battle , During the nuclear war, doors to different worlds appeared one after another on the earth, so strictly speaking, it was not the Tatdu people who had a nuclear war with the Atlanteans, but the Mu created by their descendants. Aria civilization.
Could it be that after the collapse of the world barrier, the mysterious Tatdu people directly clashed with the Atlanteans? They are the only people in the myths and legends I know who can possibly compete with Atlantis. ‘A civilization that contends…’
After quietly listening to Zhang Li’s lengthy inferences, and seeing that he was lost in thought again, Guo Caiying said softly: “Li Sheng, speculation is always just speculation. In the absence of insufficient information, it is very nerve-wracking to make out of thin air. That’s not what a smart person would do.”
/“Oh, thank you, Director Liu.” Zhang Lisheng smiled politely, but Liu Yiteng ignored his smile and turned to Guo Caiying and said: “Guo Si, the team members have gone to bed, how about you? I’ll rest first for other things.”
“Okay, thank you for your hard work, Chu Liu.” After Guo Caiying nodded to Liu Yiteng, she smiled at Zhang Lisheng, “It’s already very late, let’s just talk about this today, Dr. Fu .”
/“Okay, good night then, Miss Guo.” Zhang Lisheng stood up, yawned, and walked side by side to the door with Guo Caiying.
When she was about to go out, she saw that Liu Yiteng had disappeared. The girl lowered her voice and said softly: “Don’t think so much, Li Sheng, have a good rest tonight.”
“Yeah.” Zhang Lisheng smiled, left the room, and watched Guo Caiying’s arrival. The figure walked into a wooden door on the west side of the wooden palace. At this time, a cold wind blew through the forest in the quiet outdoor area, picking up fallen leaves. A gaze flickered vaguely in the darkness and fell on Zhang Lis

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