increased a lot and their activity is also high, so Han Xuan turned to ask about Weibo.

increased a lot and their activity is also high, so Han Xuan turned to ask about Weibo.

increased a lot and their activity is also high, so Han Xuan turned to ask about Weibo.
The public social networking software was named “weibo”. The design and programming work has been completed long ago and has not been launched to the market for the time being. I took this opportunity to tell Executive Officer Charlie that the plan could be put on the agenda, and chatted for a while. I hung up the phone
thinking that the little boss was busy with work. The staff on duty at this branch helped pour a few cups of coffee. There is a Starbucks company within the group that produces coffee beans, so other departments support its products. In fact, they are made into black The coffee tasted the same, and Han Xuan couldn’t tell the difference after drinking it.
Good intentions are hard to deny, so I don’t dare to drink too much. It’s already night and I won’t be able to sleep.
After receiving the call from Anya, Han Xuan waved to Secretary Dawson and made a gesture of eating, asking him to arrange the restaurant.
He hasn’t had dinner yet, so he’s a little hungry. Balzer has just been released, so why not give him a good meal?
I learned from the phone call that Anya had just cut her hair short today. Han Xuan could imagine the specific look and asked with a smile: “Why did you cut your hair? Is it already very hot in London?” ”
No, some students are doing graduation projects. , she asked me to help her become a model for thirty pounds an hour.”
Anya whispered: “It’s strange to have short hair, I can’t get used to it yet. But I feel much more relaxed, not so heavy anymore, but my hair occasionally pokes into my neck. It’s quite itchy.”
She was very talkative, so Anya probably agreed to someone else’s request to cut her hair short.
This kind of personality is easy to get along with, but she will be bullied accidentally. Han Xuan believes that he has the ability to protect her, and he doesn’t care about such trivial things. He told her: “It’s okay to change your look, take a photo and show it to me.” What do you think?”
“How to give it? I should wait until summer vacation before returning to the United States.”
“Just find an SOS convenience store and ask them to help. But I am going to the Republic of Mongolia recently, and my family’s property is not there. Maybe we can’t see it until we return to the United States.”
“Is there such a country as the Republic of Mongolia in the world? Where is it?”
Anya’s tone was a little confused. She could only blame Mongolia for being so unknown in the world. There was nothing, and the media were too lazy to mention it.
/“Located between China and Russia, Isabelle’s father and I are doing business together and have found a large mine containing gold, silver, and copper. If nothing happens, it should be very profitable,”
Han Xuan said as he walked out.
It’s true that the two of them are boyfriend and girlfriend, but the way they get along with each other hasn’t changed much from before. After just a few minutes on the phone, Anya dozed off. Recently, bef

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