act, Wang Bo didn’t contact the girl he had “brought harm” to last night until now. It wasn’t that he didn’t recognize her, but that he really felt guilty. Zhong Jiahui is the eldest daughter of Huanghua, and Liang Ya is no different from the eldest daughter of Huanghua. It’s really shocking to the world for two girls who are almost grown-up girls to do that kind of thing at the same time under each other’s eyes. It’s too “extreme”. No matter what, a girl’s first time should not be careless, confusing, and shared with others like last night, but should have a separate, romantic and beautiful memory.

act, Wang Bo didn’t contact the girl he had “brought harm” to last night until now. It wasn’t that he didn’t recognize her, but that he really felt guilty. Zhong Jiahui is the eldest daughter of Huanghua, and Liang Ya is no different from the eldest daughter of Huanghua. It’s really shocking to the world for two girls who are almost grown-up girls to do that kind of thing at the same time under each other’s eyes. It’s too “extreme”. No matter what, a girl’s first time should not be careless, confusing, and shared with others like last night, but should have a separate, romantic and beautiful memory.

act, Wang Bo didn’t contact the girl he had “brought harm” to last night until now. It wasn’t that he didn’t recognize her, but that he really felt guilty. Zhong Jiahui is the eldest daughter of Huanghua, and Liang Ya is no different from the eldest daughter of Huanghua. It’s really shocking to the world for two girls who are almost grown-up girls to do that kind of thing at the same time under each other’s eyes. It’s too “extreme”. No matter what, a girl’s first time should not be careless, confusing, and shared with others like last night, but should have a separate, romantic and beautiful memory.
However, last night’s opportunity was too good to be true. The temptation for the two pure, beautiful, but at the same time, naked girls, who only wore one of his T-shirts to protect their bodies, was endless for him, making him unable to control himself, slowly losing his “humanity”, and wanting nothing more than to have sex. One’s own “animal nature”.
Because he had done something wrong, Wang Bo had been restless since he got up, worrying about gains and losses. He wondered how the two girls, especially Liang Ya, would react to his
/anger after what happened last night. angry? disappointment? Still ashamed? Do you think he is an out-and-out, shameless pervert?
/Wang Bo was worried and not sure, so he hesitated until three or four o’clock in the afternoon before sending a tentative text message to Zhong Jiahui, a girl he thought he had more confidence in compared to Liang Ya.
Fortunately, the girl was considerate and didn’t give him any temper.
Encouraged by this, Wang Bo continued his efforts, changed the title of the text message he just sent to Zhong Jiahui and sent it to Liang Ya, and then waited patiently.
Compared with Zhong Jiahui, he is not so sure about Liang Ya, the first love he cares about most, and he doesn’t know how the other person will view what happened last night. After all, Zhong Jiahui knew his “ambition”, and she had the consciousness of being the “third grandma” of the Wang family; but for Liang Ya, who had been kept in the dark and thought she was Wang Bo’s only one, what happened last night was definitely Beyond her imagination. In the “situation” like last night, where she couldn’t escape, she might not necessarily have any thoughts; but after dawn, all reason returned, and Wang Bo didn’t have much in mind as to what the girl would think or see. Low. Although he had tried things like one dragon/two/phoenix and flying again two or three times on Ma Liting and Fang You, the situation of Fang and Ma was completely different from that of Liang Zhong and they could not be the same. Language, comparison.
After sending the probing text message to Liang Ya, Wang Bo began to feel anxious, and his heart was pounding like a prisoner waiting for the judge to sentence him.
“Beep beep beep” was almost the same as before. About a minute later, the phone vibrated. Wang Bo hurriedly opened it and saw the same word:
“Yeah!” Wang Bo shouted, so excited that he jumped up from his chair.

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