Yu no longer said After making fun of her, Zheng Yan’s face returned to a smiling expression. She took a bite of her food and said, “Yeah, isn’t that his ideal?” “

Yu no longer said After making fun of her, Zheng Yan’s face returned to a smiling expression. She took a bite of her food and said, “Yeah, isn’t that his ideal?” “

Yu no longer said After making fun of her, Zheng Yan’s face returned to a smiling expression. She took a bite of her food and said, “Yeah, isn’t that his ideal?” ”
But you want to work after graduation?” When one of you is studying and the other is working, I’m afraid there will be a lot of conflicts. Moreover, given Ren Wei’s family situation, you will have a heavy burden in the future. Have you thought about this issue?”
Zheng Yan said nothing and lowered her head. He held his head, his moderately thick red lips tightly closed, moving slightly, slowly chewing the rice in his mouth. After a while, he raised his head, looked at his friend beside him, and said with a bright smile: “I am mentally prepared for that. Besides, when two people are together, don’t they need to understand each other and give to each other?”
/“You, you,” Zhang Yu pointed at her friend who seemed a bit stubborn and stubborn in her eyes with the tip of her chopsticks, and quickly sighed. He took a breath and said, “Oh, let’s not talk about it. You are willing to fight and suffer. I, an outsider, am just worrying blindly. But frankly speaking, Yanzi, when it comes to work or postgraduate entrance examinations, I think Ren Wei is really a bit selfish. He only cares for himself. I think too much and don’t think much about you. When it comes to grades, you are no worse than him, a top student who is already a senior in college. You also go to the library every day. If you are an ordinary person, forget it, you are a gorgeous beauty. I’m afraid no one will believe it! Who doesn’t want to go to a better school when taking the postgraduate entrance examination? Who doesn’t want to have a higher academic qualification and be more competitive in the future society? Why should you be sacrificed? Help him? Why can’t he help you?” Zhang Yu became angrier and angrier as he spoke, and the more he spoke, the more he complained about his friend.
/Zheng Yan listened quietly to Zhang Yu’s complaints for her, her expression was like an old well undisturbed by wind and rain. It had always been calm. After the other party finished venting, she smiled and said: “Xiao Yu, where Is it as exaggerated as you said? There is no question between me and Ren Wei who sacrificed for whom. Let me tell you, Xiaoyu, don’t think you think I love studying just because I go to the library all day long. I signed up for it in the first place. The dual bachelor’s degree class has to be like this. After six years of elementary school, six years of middle school, four years of college, and sixteen years of studying, I have long been tired of it. I really want to get out of society quickly and see another bigger and more exciting person. world. So, I didn’t take the postgraduate entrance examination just to accept Ren Wei.”
“You are just deceiving yourself. I am not Ren Wei, so I won’t be moved after hearing this.” Zhang Yu flattened his mouth, but he didn’t believe it.
Zheng Yan looked at Zhang Yu’s slightly sarcastic look. There was no flaw in the face. In some

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