a’s mobile phone directly.

a’s mobile phone directly.

a’s mobile phone directly.
“Yunliang, how was the meeting with Director Peng and the others?” After the call was connected, Wang Bo recognized Tu Yunliang’s voice and asked directly.
Tu Yunliang said that after receiving the gifts from them, Peng Shuangquan and Li Fang finally changed their minds and said that the school could open the door to an online school, but only if they got the understanding of Huang Liang’s family. He and his old man are driving to Southwest Hospital to visit Huang Liang, and are preparing to have sex with Huang Liang’s parents. Tu Yunliang’s voice sounded natural and relaxed, and he seemed to have great confidence in the upcoming trip to Southwest Hospital.
Do we need the understanding of Huang Liang’s family? Wang Bo frowned, and suddenly thought of the angry and gloomy expression of Huang Liang’s father and the sad and sobbing face of his mother, and he completely disapproved of the two father and son’s initiative to come to the door.
But the situation in the human world is unclear. Huang Liang has a serious philistine mentality. If his parents are also people who value money very seriously, then as long as Tu Jianhua is willing to spend money, he will not be able to gain the understanding of that family, turn the hostility into friendship, and forget the grudges with a smile.
Besides, the people do not fight against the officials. Tu Yunliang’s family is much better than that of Huang Liang. It is certainly a sad thing for his son to be bitten and disfigured, but the matter has come to this, no matter how unwilling it is, it cannot be undone. If he can get a sum of Considerable compensation would make life easier in the future, so why not? After all, people have enmity with each other, but not with money.
With this thought, Wang Bo stopped worrying about Tu Yunliang’s fate, and wished him and his son all the best, and would get a letter of understanding from Huang Liang’s family as soon as possible.
In the afternoon, after Wang Bo and his classmates finished listening class, they were ready to do what everyone had agreed upon during lunch. They went to Southwest Hospital to see Huang Liang. As he was about to leave, he received a call from Tu Yunliang.
“Brother Bo, I didn’t see you when I returned to the dormitory. Where are you?” Tu Yunliang’s deep, hoarse voice came from the receiver. It sounded completely weak, which was in sharp contrast to the relaxed and natural tone two hours ago.
/Wang Bo’s heart skipped a beat and he immediately guessed that the father and son’s trip to Southwest Hospital would not go well.
“You went back to the dormitory, Yunliang? Where is your father? What did Huang Liang’s family say? By the way, Wei Shousong and the others are in my apartment now, and we are preparing to visit Huang Liang.”
Tu Yunliang did not speak, and after at least ten It took a few seconds to speak: “Huang Liang’s surgery this morning was a skin grafting operation. The flesh was cut from his buttocks and patched up on his face. The doctor said it would leave ugly

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