e envy, jealousy, and hatred that came from naked people of the same sex.

e envy, jealousy, and hatred that came from naked people of the same sex.

e envy, jealousy, and hatred that came from naked people of the same sex.
Wang Bo and Jiang Xiaorou went downstairs and went to find Tang Suzhen together. Tang Suzhen was chatting with a middle-aged man. When she saw Wang Bo actually bringing over the little beauty from Beijing, she hurriedly said goodbye to him and walked towards him. Before the smiling Tang Suzhen could approach, Wang Bo introduced her before she could say anything:
“Teacher Tang, this is Jiang Xiaorou, a talented girl from Beijing No. 4 Middle School. She is a sophomore in high school like me. Coincidentally, she lives in the same hotel as us. My name is Jiang Xiaorou. She went back together. Jiang Xiaorou, this is my Chinese teacher, Teacher Tang Suzhen. I was able to make it to the semi-finals because of Teacher Tang’s good training.”
Wang Bo had honey on his lips and powdered both sides, making both women feel uncomfortable. Sorry, they both glanced at him.
“Hello, Teacher Tang. I am not a talented girl, he himself is a great talent!” Jiang Xiaorou said hello to Tang Suzhen with a slightly red face.
“Ignore this kid. His mouth can talk life into the dead. Jiang Xiaorou, are you from Beijing No. 4 Middle School? Beijing No. 4 Middle School is a good school. It is said that your No. 4 Middle School is the best in liberal arts in Beijing. You read Should you study liberal arts or science?” Tang Suzhen, who glanced at Wang Bo, enthusiastically took Jiang Xiaorou’s arm and started chatting with him with a smile.
“I’m majoring in liberal arts.”
The two women began to chat with each other without any fuss. Soon they became familiar with each other, but they left Wang Bo aside. Wang Bo couldn’t laugh or cry, so he had to work as a follower in the back. Flower protector.
Back at the hotel, Tang Suzhen invited Jiang Xiaorou to her room, and Jiang Xiaorou happily agreed. The slumped-faced Wang Bo was about to go back to his room to “cry loudly” and vent his resentment towards Tang Suzhen for being unkind and stealing his “playmate”, but he heard Tang Suzhen say: “Hey, Wang Bo, where are you going?” ? Come in together, and while there are still a few hours before the semi-finals, I will teach you and Jiang Xiaorou again. Let’s clear up our thoughts.”
/“Yes, Teacher Tang.” Wang Bo’s face fell even more, and he just turned aside Jiang Xiaorou pursed her lips and snickered.
In Tang Suzhen’s dormitory, Wang Bo and Jiang Xiaorou sat side by side on a bed in the standard room, and Tang Suzhen sat on the bed opposite. The three of them seemed to be back in the classroom, one speaking and the other listening.
Jiang Xiaorou listened with great interest. For this rematch, her Chinese teacher gave her some general directions and asked her to prepare on her own. Jiang Xiaorou also thought about it herself, pondered a lot, carefully selected the excellent essays she had written throughout the first and second years of high school, prepared more than ten or twenty drafts, and also read many excellent essays. But one person’s shortcomings, and j

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