not that simple. This is indeed just a marking magic, but it is also a magic that attracts hatred.

not that simple. This is indeed just a marking magic, but it is also a magic that attracts hatred.

Not only will he be chased by the Lord of Skeletons, but whenever he encounters a skeleton, he will instantly be full of hatred and will not stop dying.
Although I didn’t rush into the hell copy of the altar, encountering a large group of rebel soldiers was not a good experience either.
Grabbing and grabbing along the way, I accidentally grabbed the rebel headquarters. Facing a group of soldiers who are not afraid of death, anyone will feel numb.
Reason told Hudson that the best way now was not to attack, but to wait for the enemy’s wave of courage to run out.
Looking around, all the unlucky ones were hypnotized by the “Blood Moon Horn”. Hudson, holding a bow and arrow, couldn’t find a target worthy of his arrow.
If there is anything for the soldiers to kill, the Hudson Knights also have something to pursue. They all took action personally, at least to kill the opponent’s little boss.
Archery is also a physical activity, and a person who is not physically strong cannot be an archer. Most of the time, archers were made up of the strongest soldiers in an army.
When you pick up the bow and arrow, you are an archer, and when you put down the bow and arrow, you are also the most elite soldier. If you don’t have good physical strength, you won’t be able to become an excellent archer.
Every arrow fired consumes a lot of physical strength. There are too many rebel soldiers in the city. They have to kill everyone they see. They have to die from exhaustion.
As a last resort, Hudson had no choice but to learn to be a picky eater. Except for occasionally throwing an arrow to save his own people, he only attacked the rebel leaders.
Suddenly, a white-haired old man holding a horn and playing tremblingly came into Hudson’s sight. Without any hesitation, he ended it with one shot.
The weird horn sound stopped instantly, and the rebel soldiers who were charging madly suddenly became sluggish.
“Blood Moon Horn”, as soon as this term came to mind, Hudson called it bad luck.
/There were so many coalition forces entering Dadil City, but he was caught up with them. This was unlucky.
Just when Hudson was hesitating to run away, a bear shadow had already rushed out. This is the animal milk and honey that was promised before. How could Xiongxiong miss it?
As soon as the hot potato was in his hands, Hudson felt a strong evil spirit, which kept encouraging him to play.
Suddenly, the mysterious compass in his mind moved, and the strong evil spirit disappeared immediately. The originally turbulent Blood Moon Horn instantly fell silent, just like an ordinary charging horn. Apart from some damage on the outside, it has no characteristics at all.
“It was destroyed so quickly. Is it really an evil weapon?
Isn’t it a shoddy product made by the Skull and Bones Society? ”
Hudson couldn’t help but send out soul torture.
The rebel soldiers, who were like walking corpses, were obviously unable to answer the doubts in his heart. With puzzl

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