The Sun” Derrick:

The Sun” Derrick:

“Your mission is to protect New Silver City and Crescent City, and protect the Rhoside Islands. The more my followers are, the safer they are, and the greater the chance that I will wake up.
“On this basis, you then consider how to expand the church and spread the faith.
“Your reward is to become my favored one.”
“Sun” Derrick’s eyes suddenly became a little hot, and he recalled the encouraging gaze of the Chief when he pushed open the last door of the “Giant King’s Court”.
Taking a breath quietly, he said forcefully:
“Yes, Mr. Fool!”
Klein nodded and looked at “Magician” Forsi:
“You need to protect the Abraham family from being tempted by the stars.
“These are all things I hope to do.” “Magician” Forsi hesitated for a moment, but still stated that he would do these things even if he was not entrusted with it.
“The Fool” Klein didn’t say yes or no, and instead said:
“If you are willing, you can write biographies and stories for different identities in the world and publish them under different pen names.
“The reward for the above commission is that when you hope to become a ‘planeswalker’ and must go to the stars, you will receive my blessing.”
Although Klein knew that he could rely on dreams to respond to a certain extent while in deep sleep, he was not sure whether it would be him or the “Lord of Secrets” who would have the advantage then, so he hoped to complete the commission and give rewards. Fix the more important things in the form of a verbal contract. When the time comes, even if he is at a disadvantage, he can use this invisible agreement to respond skillfully.
/“Planeswalker”? “Magician” Forsi was stunned for a moment.
Frankly speaking, she had not thought about this issue at all. What she was worried about now was the digestion of the “Arcane” and the ritual of the “Wanderer”.
Soon, she retracted her thoughts:
“Yes, Mr. Fool.”
Klein then set his sights on “Moon” Emlyn:
“The encirclement and suppression of the Rose School involves preparations for the doomsday, which is quite dangerous. Even if angels are involved, you must pay attention to your own safety.
“Your commission is to collect the blessings, breaths and items given by the ‘Primordial Moon’ as much as possible from the ‘Primordial Moon’ believers within the Rose School. These may be more dangerous than the ‘1’ level seal.”
At this time, although Klein still maintained the “fool” tone, his words contained some advice to his friends.
This made Audrey, who had initially stabilized her mood, notice the difference.
Thinking of what Mr. Fool had just said to the other members, she secretly sighed:
“When he is about to enter deep sleep, Mr. Fool’s humanity seems to be more intense…”
When “Moon” Emlyn was slightly surprised and confused, Klein continued:
“In addition to participating in the mission of encircling and suppressing the Rose School of Thought, I hope you will form a pharmaceutical company to study how to mass-produce medicines with miraculous effects.”
“As long as it is mass-produced, it is imp

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