ed that this was a sudden and accidental incident. First, after interrogation, Zhao Jianjun’s roommates, Qianshan and Lao Bulongtou, confessed that in the past few days, because the second trial upheld the original death sentence, Zhao Jianjun had been emotionally unstable and behaved abnormally; secondly, Zhao Jianjun had a notorious reputation and had never been alone in the detention center. Dare to provoke, Fan Heng’an was new here, and he even hit and scolded him for a little collision. It’s not surprising that Zhao Jianjun had an overreaction; thirdly, the murder weapon Zhao Jianjun held was a toothbrush that he used daily. According to the explanation of the front teeth, when he first entered the detention center a month ago The tail end has been sharpened, and it is often used to torture fellow prisoners, and is not deliberately targeted at any one person; fourthly, Zhao Jianjun and Fan Heng’an are strangers to each other, and have never had any business or personal contact, so there is no way or possibility to build grudges; Fifth,

ed that this was a sudden and accidental incident. First, after interrogation, Zhao Jianjun’s roommates, Qianshan and Lao Bulongtou, confessed that in the past few days, because the second trial upheld the original death sentence, Zhao Jianjun had been emotionally unstable and behaved abnormally; secondly, Zhao Jianjun had a notorious reputation and had never been alone in the detention center. Dare to provoke, Fan Heng’an was new here, and he even hit and scolded him for a little collision. It’s not surprising that Zhao Jianjun had an overreaction; thirdly, the murder weapon Zhao Jianjun held was a toothbrush that he used daily. According to the explanation of the front teeth, when he first entered the detention center a month ago The tail end has been sharpened, and it is often used to torture fellow prisoners, and is not deliberately targeted at any one person; fourthly, Zhao Jianjun and Fan Heng’an are strangers to each other, and have never had any business or personal contact, so there is no way or possibility to build grudges; Fifth,

ed that this was a sudden and accidental incident. First, after interrogation, Zhao Jianjun’s roommates, Qianshan and Lao Bulongtou, confessed that in the past few days, because the second trial upheld the original death sentence, Zhao Jianjun had been emotionally unstable and behaved abnormally; secondly, Zhao Jianjun had a notorious reputation and had never been alone in the detention center. Dare to provoke, Fan Heng’an was new here, and he even hit and scolded him for a little collision. It’s not surprising that Zhao Jianjun had an overreaction; thirdly, the murder weapon Zhao Jianjun held was a toothbrush that he used daily. According to the explanation of the front teeth, when he first entered the detention center a month ago The tail end has been sharpened, and it is often used to torture fellow prisoners, and is not deliberately targeted at any one person; fourthly, Zhao Jianjun and Fan Heng’an are strangers to each other, and have never had any business or personal contact, so there is no way or possibility to build grudges; Fifth,
this report is extremely detailed. It contains both the confessions of fellow prisoners and on-site witness records. It combines the identities and backgrounds of Zhao Jianjun and Fan Heng’an to reach the conclusion of an accidental incident. It is basically impeccable. After reviewing it, Xu Fuyan gave instructions and agreed to close the case. The next day, the municipal party committee held an enlarged executive meeting. At the meeting, Xu Fuyan severely criticized the negligence of public officials and the loopholes in rules and regulations exposed in this incident. He publicly criticized Lin Zhen by name, saying that he had “inadequate response and lost ground in advance and retreat.” No mercy in words.
/These eight words quickly spread in Qingzhou official circles. Some good people gave Lin Zhen the nickname “Chief of Wax Gun”. What is Wax Gun? The silver wax gun tip looks good but not useful! Lin Zhen no longer had the shame to stay in Qingzhou, so he reported to the Provincial Public Security Department for approval and returned to Guanshan in despair. The original plan was to serve in Qingzhou for a period of time with a high-ranking official, and then be promoted to the captain of the Provincial Economic Investigation Corps. Take a dip.
At the level of deputy director, honor and disgrace are no longer a matter of one person. Not only did Lin Zhen lose the promotion that he had the best chance of in his life, he also lost the forces behind him that supported him and were optimistic about him. Everyone can see that, no surprise If so, this once promising political star will inevitably remain silent for a long time to come. But at least he is still young. Whether he can turn around and make a comeback is a matter of uncertainty!
/It was a deserted day when he left. Xu Fuyan was angry that he had caused such a big mistake for her, so naturally he was not in the mood to hold a farewell ceremony. What he said was effective, and no one dared to join in the fun. So when L

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