The entire sky above his head was reflected like daylight. Even the howling cold wind avoided this “hot” place.

The entire sky above his head was reflected like daylight. Even the howling cold wind avoided this “hot” place.

The entire sky above his head was reflected like daylight. Even the howling cold wind avoided this “hot” place.
/The eighteen princes are celebrating!
/During the meeting between the emperor and his ministers this afternoon, our leader Yuan Shao and Yuan Yuan requested an order to offer sacrifices to heaven again to thank God for his blessing. Then he held a banquet for all the ministers and rewarded the three armies to show the great grace of the emperor and at the same time to calm the emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty. Liu Xie, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, naturally would not refuse and readily agreed.
Before that, there was an interesting episode. After paying homage to His Majesty, Cao Cao held Liu Bei’s hand with tears of gratitude and said, “Brother Xuande, thank you for your hard work. Brother Xuande worked tirelessly, fearless of hardships and dangers, and put righteousness first to save His Majesty from the dire straits and save all the people in the world from the dire straits. Meng Virtue cannot be repaid, so brother Xuande, please accept Mengde’s obeisance!”
Under the scorching gazes of all the princes, Cao Cao bowed in earnest. After Liu Bei was stunned for a short time, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. When Cao Mengde was about to bow down, he helped Cao Cao up in a panic and said, “Brother Mengde said something serious, I’m scared. I don’t dare to take credit.” . The successful rescue of His Majesty was all due to Brother Meng De’s thorough planning and exhaustive strategy. It was just a matter of running errands and doing something in case of failure.”
So, the two of them exchanged “sincere” polite words.
In this way, the first credit for rescuing the driver was passed on to Cao Cao by Liu Bei, and he himself was the second credit. Liu Bei is not stupid, on the contrary, he knows how to judge the situation very well! After a moment of confusion, he made the wisest choice. Because he knows very well the truth that “the trees are as beautiful as the trees in the forest, but the wind is destroying them”. If he had elite soldiers and powerful generals at this moment, he would never let the credit slip away. But the reality is that with no more than three hundred soldiers and no generals, he is just a little fish a little fatter than a shrimp among the eighteen princes. Unless he wants to be the prey of the big fish, he will never dare to take the credit alone. Although Cao Cao was not very strong, since he dared to stand up and openly grab credit, Liu Bei simply gave him the credit. It is better to have fun alone than to have fun together.
After secretly praising “Liu Bei is really a wise man”, Cao Cao smiled “haha” and said, “All the generals also contributed a lot”, and gave part of the credit to Yuan Shao and other princes. Here comes a genuine person. “Everyone is happy”.
Later, Yuan Shao proposed to hold a party to maximize “all the joy”, which not only demonstrated his status as the leader of the alliance, but also prevented Cao Cao and Liu Bei from stealing the

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