Killing is not a child’s play and cannot be discovered by pedestrians on the provincial road.

Killing is not a child’s play and cannot be discovered by pedestrians on the provincial road.

Killing is not a child’s play and cannot be discovered by pedestrians on the provincial road.
Qin Da, Wang Jiefang, Gao Changxing and Cheng Wenming, who had just returned from Ningcheng City, and other criminal police officers, stood on the provincial road. Several people spread out on the river beach to find and identify relatively hidden locations, and then asked the technical police to spray some reagents to see if there were any. No fluorescence.
The comrades were busy, and the two leaders stood by the car consciously, not getting out, and not in a hurry to ask about the progress.
If there is a crime scene under the river embankment, it will be very troublesome.
There was too much noise when looking for the location where the body was dumped. First, a blanket search was carried out, and then people were asked to salvage it. Thousands of people came to watch the excitement, and many brave ones always ran down below. The scene had long been destroyed, and it was in the wild, so it was difficult to extract biological evidence left by the murderer.
“Exact location?”
“Pay attention to protect the scene, we will be there soon!”
Sure enough, it is not far away. The crime scene is in an east-west drainage canal. The canal is nearly two meters deep. There are cement pipes buried under the provincial road, and the surrounding farmland is full of water. It collects into this canal and then drains into Liuxia River.
There are no homes in a 400-meter radius. There is a rapeseed field in the south and wheat in the north.
Before the flood season, the paths beside the canal and in the canal were overgrown with weeds. People standing around the bottom of the canal could not be seen at all, and no one would hear them calling for help. It was really a “good place” to kill people.
The technical police have sprayed the reagent, and the canal to the south is covered with fluorescence. There are even a few vague bloody footprints on the soil and weeds.
The police said they would disappear after a while, but Master Wu did not dare to delay, so he picked up the camera and started taking pictures.
Qin Da, Wang Jiefang, and Cheng Wenming all came after them. Han Bo said hurriedly: “Except Master Wu, everyone else should stand in their respective positions and don’t move! Comrades in the ditch, wait until the photos are taken and come up in the direction of the descent. Ning Bureau “It’s too late today and I can’t see clearly. Please arrange for two people to protect the scene. Early tomorrow morning, the technical squadron will come over to investigate carefully.” ”
Okay, I will arrange it.”
You have been out for a few days, and your family is very busy.
Now that I’m back, the investigation of the store and how to protect the crime scene here will naturally be left to you, the branch director.
/Qiao Xingwang weighed it up and suggested: “Xiao Han, we can’t make much difference here. We might as well go to your branch and hold a case analysis meeting like the previous two days.”
Basically all the people who

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