dreams of playing with Curry!

dreams of playing with Curry!

dreams of playing with Curry!
After changing combinations for two more games, Sun Hao and Turkoglu separated, and the two also showed their respective leadership abilities.
/It’s just that it can be clearly felt that the performance of two people after they are separated is weaker than when they are together.
After three games are played, this joint trial will officially come to an end.
/Sun Hao was still thinking about the previous scene of playing with Turkoglu.
The two really hit it off.
If he continues to choose to stay in Europe, playing with Bodiloga will only make him stronger.
If you think about it this way, staying here is very exciting.
Feeling someone coming towards him, he put his thoughts away for the time being.
The Lakers scout looks to be in his sixties, in sharp contrast to the young scouts around him who are in their thirties and forties.
Moreover, he had asked Sun Hao before if he had dunked before, so Sun Hao was quite impressed by him.
“You can play in the NBA.”
He came up and threw a huge candy to Sun Hao first.
“Thank you.”
Sun Hao took it as a compliment and replied with a smile.
The scout stretched out his hand to him, indicating that he should go to a place with few people to chat.
Sun Hao nodded in agreement.
The end of the trial training is originally the time to negotiate terms with the team and players.
Turkoglu has been surrounded by a circle of scouts.
This is the same scene as when he was training with Yi Jianlian in the Hongyuan team.
The improvement is that he has scouts looking for him.
“Your strengths and weaknesses are obvious. Offense is your strong point, and you have a very good heart. The last two goals in the one-on-one situation.” ”
Your defense is limited by your height and you will suffer when you are misaligned. But that can be improved. You haven’t learned the defensive skills yet, so that’s not a problem.”
When he walked to the edge, the scout got straight to the point and said all his evaluations of Sun Hao, and he was really good at it. major.
“Thank you.”
Sun Hao found that he had nothing to say except thank you.
The other party is like an elder who has seen through everything.
“I can give you a draft commitment.”
But what the other party said next made Sun Hao look up at him.
Is this a draft promise?
Why does it sound a little unreliable?
And because he was an NCAA assistant coach in his previous life, he still knows the responsibilities of some NBA jobs.
Like scouts, they are divided into two categories.
Their main responsibility is to evaluate players’ abilities and potential.
The representative figure here is Ivanka Dukan, the legendary scout of the Bulls.
Most of the scouts present today are like this.
Their job is mainly responsible for detecting opponents, including tactical characteristics, game habits, team weaknesses, etc., and helping coaches make tactical arrangements.
This is already similar to a teaching assistant.
This kind of scouts are rare, and they are usually old guys with ri

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