t was done by

t was done by

t was done by
/Minister Niu.” Niu Qingshan, the former Minister of Armed Forces of Liangzhuang Township and now the project manager, made Han Home projects.
Thinking of Lao Lu working as the vice president there, Ning Yi’an couldn’t help but laugh and said: “The quality of the project is absolutely guaranteed. If Boss Niu dares to cut corners, Lao Lu will have to skin him!” Going back
to his hometown is like celebrating the New Year, even more tiring than going to work.
After drinking my grandpa’s birthday wine, I rushed to Nangang with my family overnight. I didn’t bother to chat with Lao Lu and Lao Yuan and rushed to the airport without stopping, and took the Nanhai Airlines flight back to Shenzhen.
His wife didn’t come back with him, and Han Bo was too lazy to go home alone.
I went to the airport branch to pick up the car, and went straight to the city bureau at night. Anyway, there was a suite in the office, and I could eat and live in the bureau from now on.
I go to work normally on Monday and attend the director’s office meeting as soon as I get to work.
It was said to be the director’s office meeting, but the relevant bureau was not present, because he was not only the director but also a member of the Municipal Standing Committee, and he had to participate in the city’s Standing Committee.
The exception on Monday was still presided over by the executive deputy director as usual. He first studied the latest spirit of the central government, and then conveyed the instructions of the provincial department and the municipal party committee. Several deputy directors reported on their respective work one by one.
/Unknowingly, the meeting was held until nearly 10 minutes. 11 o’clock.
As soon as he walked out of the conference room, Han Bo took out his mobile phone and dialed Feng Jinhui’s number.
“Feng Da, have the results of the clothing test of Wang Xuedong, the suspect in the 7.11 case, come out?” The
people invited were all the most professional psychological testing experts in the public security system. In front of them, Zhou Shuying, his former partner, had to call himself a student. Although the final results have not come out, Although there are still two groups of experts who will test the suspect next, the important fact of whether the suspect committed murder is basically clear, and the next step is to confirm.
Human lives matter!
Han Bo was not disappointed, but relieved. He was silent for a moment and asked in a low voice: “What are you and the Longhua Branch thinking about next?”
“Han Bureau, although it seems from the current situation that we are wrong, this case Detection is not a bad thing. The reason why the 7.11 case has not been solved until today is largely related to Wang Xuedong’s attempt to retaliate against the victim, break into the victim’s house, and even take advantage of the fire to rob and steal the victim’s property.”
Feng Jinhui lit a cigarette, He analyzed the cocoon in detail: “His behavior and the traces he left at the scene directly misled the Lo

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