ases he has investigated under his command is probably no less than that of you and me.”

ases he has investigated under his command is probably no less than that of you and me.”

ases he has investigated under his command is probably no less than that of you and me.”
“I heard they are second-level heroes?”
“Well, including the Korean Bureau, we have two heroes in the Criminal Investigation Bureau!”
/There were too few heroes, and there was none in the branch. Just leave after completing your duties. It has nothing to do with your Criminal Investigation Bureau. Don’t put money on your face.”
/Ding Xinqiang secretly thought that it has nothing to do with the Municipal Bureau’s Criminal Investigation Bureau. He is from the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security. The Ministry’s Criminal Investigation Bureau is the unit, and the leader The assigned tasks must be completed to the letter. There was no time for small talk. He got into the police car and waved: “I won’t talk to you about the work.” He
rushed to the Criminal Investigation Bureau, took a few bites of food in the cafeteria, and then came to The director’s office on the third floor reported to Director Wang the problem of insufficient strength of the anti-crime professional team. As a result, Wang Dong only listened to a few words and then proposed to go to the municipal bureau together to report to the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee and the Municipal Public Security Director in person.
When he arrived at the city bureau, Wang Dong made an excuse not to go in, and it was only Han Bo who reported to the leader.
“Comrade Han Bo, don’t think too much. Comrade Wang Dong is not being naughty. Considering that the ‘anti-crime’ work may involve some issues such as commercial bribery and job-related crimes, the bureau party committee requires strict confidentiality during the investigation of the case. Since the detachment party committee decided to You are responsible, and other detachment party committee members, including Comrade Wang Dong, will not interfere. From now on, you only need to be responsible to the municipal bureau.” The
leader looked serious. Was he worried that someone would plead for mercy or that someone would leak the news? Han Bo I think it’s a bit exaggerated.
Putting a deputy bureau-level cadre who has just arrived on a temporary job in charge of the “anti-crime” work can avoid a lot of troubles. Director Guan is very satisfied with this division of labor, thinking that he has just arrived and does not know much about the situation in Shenzhen and even Dongguang. He has no idea about the importance of this work. Director Guan continued:
“After decades of reform and opening up, our Shenzhen and even the entire Dongguang region have made great achievements in economic construction, but cultural construction and moral construction have become shortcomings. Whether from the current or long-term perspective, creating a good market economic environment and maintaining normal market order is an important and urgent task.” ”
Bullying the market, manufacturing and selling counterfeit goods, and commercial bribery are phenomena that seriously distort the market mechanism. ,

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