clouds, adding endless vitality to him as if out of thin air. His movements that were getting tired became full of power again.

clouds, adding endless vitality to him as if out of thin air. His movements that were getting tired became full of power again.

clouds, adding endless vitality to him as if out of thin air. His movements that were getting tired became full of power again.
“What is that place? It can actually Breaking the magic circle left by the ancient immortal…
could it be that the descendant of the ancient witch has mastered the secret Tiantai Mountain! “On the ground, we watched helplessly as the situation suddenly changed. The enemy seemed to be trying to regain the situation from the desperate situation. A Taoist priest said in shock.
This time, dozens of Taoist elites were dispatched to ambush. At least they had the combat power to break through the ‘Tianmen’ for the first time. As a result, The battle situation that was supposed to be uneventful has now become so ups and downs and thrilling that it is really unimaginable.
/Duan Lianbao and Xu Qingyu quickly exited Yingzhou and issued the “Three Order Talismans” to gather their troops.
Junior brothers and sisters, please do this for me. It is now time to sacrifice our lives. Even if we die, we must not let that traitor escape.”
/After hearing Lu Tiandao’s instructions, the other Taoists, whether they were going to die with peace of mind or forced by the situation, all agreed. Only Duan Lianbao hesitated with a distorted face. He said, “Auntie, I. I…”
He hesitated and spoke only a few words before he was interrupted by the Taoist who once predicted that Zhang Lisheng would be trapped in the ancient immortal formation, “Master Nephew Duan, now is not the time to be pretentious. You are the future hope of the Sect. It is really disappointing to be so self-consciously brave and practical but ignorant of general behavior. Senior
Sister Lu, that witch thief suddenly gained strength after penetrating the Secret Realm and destroyed the magic circle left by the sage. If you are young, I am afraid that it will implicate the entire Yingzhou culture. If you accidentally destroy a fairyland because of this, then we will be Taoist sinners through the ages.” “Junior
brother Liu, you are well-read and wise. According to you, What should I do?” Lu Tiandao asked in a deep voice, looking at the giant snake in the clouds that seemed to pull at the trembling stars as it struggled.
“Yingzhou has become a magic weapon for your closed disciple, senior sister. If she can always keep her mind calm, that evil beast is trapped in this situation, no matter how powerful it is, it will not be able to escape. But if she can’t keep her mind…” Old Taoist Glancing at Lu Tiandao’s face, he said, “I know that girl is extremely talented and blessed. She is also blessed with great luck, but after all, she has only practiced Taoism for three or two years…” “Junior
brother Liu, what you said to Duan Lianbao just now Now is not the time to be pretentious, so why are you being coy? If you have something to say, it’s okay to say it.”
“Yes, yes,” the old man said, stroking the half-black and half-white hair on the back of his head: “I think it’s better than in Yingzhou. Fighting to the death, senior sister, yo

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