t it, the more angry he became.

t it, the more angry he became.

t it, the more angry he became.
“Not all of them are so cunning. If I guessed correctly, there should be a principal culprit among them, or someone who specially came up with the idea.”
This series of cases has troubled the Dongping Municipal Bureau. Meng Weidong, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee and Director of Public Security Up to this moment, he was still reviewing his superiors in the province. As the executive deputy director, Director Huang was even more angry and said coldly: “Killing people intentionally, and killing several people in a row, the method is cruel, so what about minors, minors Be strict and severe!”
Be strict and severe, just talk.
Although the existing law stipulates that juvenile delinquents aged 14 to 16 years old are criminally responsible for eight types of crimes, including intentional homicide, intentional injury causing serious injury or death, robbery, rape, drug trafficking, arson, explosion, poisoning or placing dangerous substances, but It also stipulates that minors should be given lighter or reduced penalties.
In other words, the death penalty is not applicable. This death penalty also includes suspended death. In practice, life sentences are rarely given.
Juvenile crimes occur in Dongping, Yushan, and other places. They show that the age of crime tends to be younger, the education level is lower, the proportion of foreign minors is higher, the crimes committed are more concentrated, and the criminal methods are more adult. Six major characteristics include violent tendencies and the majority of joint crimes.
Some people believe that “human beings are born with good nature” and no child is born with violent tendencies.
Rendering of violence, gore, pornography and other bad films and television works, unhealthy content on the Internet, including some online games, and family reasons have strengthened children’s irrational thinking and behavior. Children who are not yet mentally mature can easily transfer the negative influences in the virtual space to real life, leading to various criminal behaviors.
It is believed that they are in the developmental stage and have deficiencies in cognitive abilities and self-control abilities, and cannot be like adults. They should be given tolerance and help.
As a police officer, Han Bo feels that the law should protect good children who abide by the law, and there should also be corresponding sanctions for bad children who commit violence. It is necessary to lower the age of criminal responsibility and impose criminal sanctions on juvenile perpetrators!
As for age, 14 to 16 years old are now minors.
/In the liberated areas, where the average life expectancy is less than 40 years old, or even earlier, many people in their fifteenth or sixteenth years have already started families and become fathers. To this day, early marriages still exist in some remote mountainous areas, and many people get married and have children at the age of fifteen or sixteen. Why are they incapacitated?
/But these are just thoughts. T

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