nship leaders came to visit like a revolving door.

nship leaders came to visit like a revolving door.

nship leaders came to visit like a revolving door.
Silk Group is really engaged in industry, not just a registered bag company with no factory buildings and no production and operation. They plan to expand the scope of production and operations, and their business is not limited to silk. They want to launch an industrial chain from chemical fiber, textile and knitting, printing and dyeing to clothing production and then export.
/The total investment in the first phase of the project is tens of millions, and a large factory building will be built. It is expected that the profit and tax will be tens of millions a year after it is completed and put into production. Labor-intensive enterprises can provide thousands of jobs!
Such large groups must be brought in. Even if the planned industrial chain cannot be retained, they must be sincere enough to allow them to build several silk reeling factories in Donghua. It would be great to set up a silk company like Sigang and vigorously promote sericulture production. Farmers can increase their income and the county can have tens of millions of fiscal revenue a year.
/Investment promotion meetings, symposiums, and promotion meetings are held one after another.
There is a full schedule of field trips. We will go here today and there tomorrow. Police cars clear the way and welcome you wherever you go. The top leaders of the townships wherever they went organized four teams, the soil management office, and the finance and taxation office to enthusiastically introduce the investment policies of their respective townships, just like reporting to the leaders.
Under the guise of investment, they “pretended to cheat” and even deceived county leaders. Deputy Directors Shi and Jiang were terrified for the first few days, fearing that they would be exposed and unable to end the matter.
As the “business inspection” continued to deepen, more and more materials were sent to my door. Not only were I no longer afraid, but I became more and more excited. Instead, I was worried about the leaders at the county and township levels of Donghua who warmly entertained me. What should they do next? How it ends.
“Secretary Han, what are the arrangements for today?”
Not only can he enjoy the high-level courtesy and be able to “examine” his results, Deputy Director Shi has fully stepped into his role, taking the cigarette from Deputy Director Jiang, acting like a boss of a large group.
Han Bo opened the curtains and looked at the two township leaders who had come to greet him. They were chatting and laughing with “Secretary Gao” downstairs. He opened the schedule and said seriously: “Mr. Shi, Mr. Jiang, we are going to Heilongqiao Town today to hold a symposium in the morning.” , went on a field trip in the afternoon, and went back to the hotel in the evening to host a banquet to invite several leaders.”
Negotiations and symposiums came one after another, and the reception banquet, dust-washing banquet, and welcome banquet were also eaten one after another. It’s not good to just eat what

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