path, where the path to immortality is reopened, In the prosperous world, there will be no more hesitation and timidity. Shinto Kung Fu may be supported by others and improve rapidly, but at the end of the training, is it really interesting to become someone’s younger brother in the divine realm?

path, where the path to immortality is reopened, In the prosperous world, there will be no more hesitation and timidity. Shinto Kung Fu may be supported by others and improve rapidly, but at the end of the training, is it really interesting to become someone’s younger brother in the divine realm?

Therefore, almost all the masters who practice the “Seven Hells Evil Dragon King Contemplation” in Blood Soul Ridge follow the same path as Zhu Peng, intercepting divine power and refining their Taoist heart. The immortal way is the main one and the divine way is supplemented. When necessary, they give up the divine way to become the immortal way. Even if you really ascend to the divine realm in the future, you can rely on your own immortal cultivation to break the earth and become a prince in the divine realm, so that you won’t be the clown’s plaything that others care about for life and death. (PS: This is probably what the powerful gods hate the most about immortal monks. Not only will they intercept divine power to refine their Taoist hearts, they will not provide much faith power. Instead, they will intercept the faith of believers. It can be said that they are stealing the wealth that originally belonged to the gods. . Fortunately, the City of Blood has a million believers, a huge base, and a lot of output. Otherwise, Zhu Peng’s ancestor, the guy who claims to be the evil-eyed three-eyed prison dragon king of the third pillar of the demon god in the middle, would have ignored him long ago. All evil comes to the world and then kills you.)
The pitiful accumulation of knowledge in the entire Blood Soul Ridge is not only due to the various techniques that the three Blood Soul elders painstakingly created and organized, but also the three secret books “The Forging Book of the Machine Iron Fire Giant Spirit” that Zhu Peng painstakingly earned from the Treasure Cave. , “Taiyi Bajing Palace Formation Essentials General” and “Shenhuang Extinction Cannon Forging Book” are all included, otherwise they would be too shabby.
/It is precisely because the Blood Ridge is a cultivating family that has received the inheritance of the top immortal gods in the eyes of the world, so it has infinite foundation in the eyes of other forces, and has enough prestige to establish the Blood City, establish the Purple Fate Immortal Array, and later come up with The mecha-iron divine eagle, mecha-iron giant spirit, simple flag-suppressing array, and even the Shenhuang extermination cannon and other things do not arouse suspicion.
But just relying on these things is enough to qualify as an Immortal family with top-level inheritance. However, if you want to rely on these things to compete with those eternal sects, or even show your strength in the prosperous age of Immortal Dao after breaking through the apocalypse, it is a millionaires. Thousands of miles is not enough. Zhu Peng knew this, and even Zhu Yun, who knew he was in trouble, also knew it.
Chapter 452 The terminal force of Blood Ridge
He himself practiced the Kunlun Sword Code that he h

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