ly the Zhang family’s children from the Central Heaven Realm, but also the Zhang family’s children from the Jiuyao Heaven Realm and the Three Emperors Heaven Realm came to the Central Heaven Realm to meet him.

ly the Zhang family’s children from the Central Heaven Realm, but also the Zhang family’s children from the Jiuyao Heaven Realm and the Three Emperors Heaven Realm came to the Central Heaven Realm to meet him.

On this day, in the depths of Fengqiao Town, a magnificent atmosphere flowed out from it, and a divine light flowed out from within the ancestral temple, leaving the fifth level of the upper realm of heaven in an instant.
Above the void, Zhang Jian was surrounded by layers of purple-yellow dragon-shaped fairy light.
His whole body exuded a magnificent divine energy, mighty and mighty.
After refining the Earth Emperor’s Seal, Zhang Jian’s own skills and abilities also greatly increased.
Zhiwo’s corpse is in harmony, and there is only a slight chance to cut it out.
Zhang Jian then prepared to return to the fairyland.
The Immortal Heaven Realm is his territory, and with the power of the Heavenly Dao that is blessed by the Immortal Heaven Realm, he may be able to directly cut out this most important zombie.
In addition, he also needs to return to the fairyland to settle down for a while.
/But before that, he was going to visit the Eastern Immortal Realm to pay homage to Emperor Qinghua of the East Extreme.
During this trip to the Jinyuan Heavenly Realm, he used the name of Emperor Qinghua of Dongji to successfully enter the Jinyuan Heavenly Realm.
Now that we have arrived in the Eastern Immortal Realm, it would be unreasonable not to pay a visit to Emperor Qinghua of the East Extreme.
Being a god in the heavenly world is not only possible through hard work, but also requires humaneness and sophistication.
In the eastern heaven, there is the wonderful Yan Palace in the East.
After Zhang Jian arrived, there were already children waiting here. Seeing Zhang Jian’s flying light, he immediately took the initiative to come forward.
/“The person coming in front is the Emperor of Taiji Immortal Court?”
Zhang Jian nodded immediately.
“Yes, please let Fairy Boy inform you that Zhang Jian has come to pay homage to Master Dongji!”
Fairy Boy smiled.
“The eldest master is already waiting in the palace. Fellow Taoist, please go in!”
Chapter 743: Recruitment, Vice-President of Dongji?
Deep in Dongjimiaoyan Palace.
Zhang Jian met the Dongji Qinghua Emperor who was practicing in the palace, and he was also Taiyi’s rescuer of suffering.
This Heavenly Lord is not wearing royal robes, but is wearing Taoist robes and is refining elixirs in the alchemy room.
The temperature inside the alchemy room was so high that Zhang Jian felt as if his eyebrows were on fire when he entered.
At this time, he has profound knowledge and astonishing Taoism. The Taoist body around him has been tempered many times and is not inferior to those innate gods and demons who specialize in physical cultivation.
At this time, it felt like walking on thin ice under the wisps of flames.
After a brief introduction to the ceremony, in front of the alchemy furnace, Emperor Qinghua of Dongji smiled slightly.
“Zhang Xiaoyou, wait a moment, wait f

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