rtment, Xiu, replied calmly.

rtment, Xiu, replied calmly.

rtment, Xiu, replied calmly.
The old woman laughed angrily, “Little guy, don’t be so arrogant. Do you know who I am?” ”
You keep saying, ‘Do you know who I am?’ Is that interesting?” The leading repairman smiled disdainfully. He smiled and said, “I’m just asking, do you know what the words ‘Inner Guard of the Royal Forest’ mean?” ”
She’s not Xu Lu.” Suddenly, someone spoke up. Everyone turned to look over, but it was the rich old man who He grabbed the wine pot and spoke drunkenly.
“Hey, another one who has seen Xulu?” Si Xiu laughed angrily, “Should I take you away too?”
“Take me away? No problem,” the old man laughed and said With a drunken look on his face, “But why do you think so? Does our restaurant agree?”
Si Xiu smiled coldly, “Does this restaurant dare to disagree?”
“Dare you,” a cold voice came, and everyone turned to look. I found a young man standing at the back door of the restaurant, scanning the crowd calmly. There was a long scar on his face.
/“What did you say?” Si Xiu couldn’t believe his ears, “We are the Royal Forest Guards.” ”
/So what if you are the Pixiu Guards?” Li Yongsheng sneered, “Anyone who drinks in my restaurant is my guest. , if you want to arrest someone, you can wait until they go out.”
“What about Pixiu Guard? Haha,” Si Xiu laughed, “My little brother’s tone is quite serious. You are from the Ninth Princess, right? Ask her, Let us arrest someone.”
Because the King of England’s situation is delicate, Zhao Xinxin doesn’t even want to provoke the Security Bureau. There is no need to think about what kind of attitude he will have when encountering the rampaging imperial guards.
“There’s no one who won’t let you catch people,” Li Yongsheng also smiled, “Let me ask you, is the Xulu you caught the only female catcher among the four big catchers?” “That’s right,”
Si Xiu nodded, “You don’t need to ask specifically why she was captured. It has nothing to do with you.” ”
But” Li Yongsheng’s eyes at this moment were so strange and weird, “But why did you capture Xu Lu, why did you capture a man? You are so crazy. He is so cool and stunning, does Li Shuai know?”
“Man?” Si Xiu’s mouth opened wide, he looked at the single young woman in astonishment and spoke in disbelief, “What did you say?”
Li Changsheng sighed faintly, “Lishuai is really old. The people under his command can’t even distinguish between men and women.”
He was originally an immortal envoy from the upper world who came down to earth. He had not been in the Middle-earth Kingdom for a long time, but his feelings for Lishuai still remained. It’s a bit special. This is an old commander who is dedicated to his duties. He is in charge of the Royal Guards. He is loyal and not ambitious. It is precisely because of his existence that the stability of the Middle-earth Kingdom has been achieved.
It is a great merit to maintain the common people living and working in peace and contentment. It not only conforms to the interests of the Taoist palace, but also conforms to the way of heaven.
It’s a pity that aft

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