ld not be so many people here. However, in the past few days, Lei Gu cooperated with the Xiaoyang people to search for cult monsters. If the city guard encountered any obstacles, they would You will be punched and kicked.

ld not be so many people here. However, in the past few days, Lei Gu cooperated with the Xiaoyang people to search for cult monsters. If the city guard encountered any obstacles, they would You will be punched and kicked.

ld not be so many people here. However, in the past few days, Lei Gu cooperated with the Xiaoyang people to search for cult monsters. If the city guard encountered any obstacles, they would You will be punched and kicked.
What makes them feel ashamed is that most of the time, it is not the people from Lei Gu who take action, but the Xiaoyang natives.
What they did to the Xiaoyang people in the past is now being returned to them. It is precisely “If you don’t believe it, look up and see who God will spare.”
Even the city guards who had done more evil in the past were beaten to death because Li Shu made excuses.
So everyone hid in the station and refused to go out when not on duty.
In fact, they have very few duty tasks now, that is, a patrol team of 100 people patrols around the city. Every two hours, the patrol team returns to the military camp, and another 100 people come out to patrol.
The people from Lei Gu blocked the door just in time for one patrol to go back but the other didn’t come out.
/However, although there were only a hundred or a thousand city guards in Lei Gu, they did not dare to take action against them.
Leaving aside the strength and prestige of Lei Gu, the city guards did not dare to take action casually just looking at the dense crowd of heads outside the garrison – there were seven or eight thousand Xiaoyang people watching.
After Lei Gu’s people broke into the barracks, they asked all the sergeants to leave the barracks quickly, and they also had to open the doors and accept inspection.
This request is really insulting. Who are the people in the army? Strong-blooded cultivators, young and old men who dare to fight for their lives.
Of course, impulsiveness also depends on the occasion. At this time, most people dare to get angry but dare not speak out.
But there is no shortage of surprises in this world. A craftsman from Lei Valley was walking in front of the team, kicking the door roughly and telling the sergeants to come out. Suddenly, a cold arrow was shot, hitting him in the chest.
Li Yongsheng turned his head to look at Ji Qiang and whispered, “There’s no need to make it so realistic, right?”
Before they surrounded the city guard station, they planned their next move. They had to make some trouble for the other party and search it. Only if the person poses a threat can the drama continue.
It is actually not difficult at all to secretly bribe people in the City Guards. Tonghe and Yongle people can become public relations targets, not to mention that there are still a small number of Xiaoyang people in the City Guards.
With King Zheng’s level of military training, he would not ignore the taboos – local soldiers are not suitable to be stationed locally.
However, the city guards are an exception. They are responsible for maintaining the security of local towns and must have sergeants from the local area to cooperate, so it is normal for there to be a small number of Xiaoyang soldiers among them.
Li Yongsheng had considered this step in advance and specifically

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