spoken, as a brother, you must not let your guard down. Just wait for my news.

spoken, as a brother, you must not let your guard down. Just wait for my news.

spoken, as a brother, you must not let your guard down. Just wait for my news.
The two sides said goodbye at the city gate, and the five horses disappeared into the darkness in an instant.
After walking far away, Zhao Xinxin sighed, “Xiao Er’s unrestrained life is quite enviable.”
/Fang Zhenren shook his head and spoke deeply, “This kind of character is not something that just anyone can have. Yes, otherwise, why would we investigate the Qiu family?” When
Li Yongsheng and Zhao Xinxin heard this topic, they fell silent again. How many people can let go of the word “profit”?
After a while, Zhang Laoshi asked aloud, “When you go to Prince Ning’s Mansion this time, should you be careful or just ask for a confession?”
After a long time, Zhao Xinxin spoke out, gritting his teeth, “The confession is the first to survive, do you want it?” Everything will work!”
Prince Ning’s Mansion is located in the east of Jinling City. The last time King Jing launched a large-scale attack, the vanguard had already surrounded Prince Ning’s Mansion. However, there was no strong attack. It was just a minor friction that was painless. The main function was to contain the Jinling defenders. military.
Therefore, the buildings of Prince Ning’s Mansion are basically intact.
The five people rushed over late at night and quietly entered four or five houses near the palace. It didn’t take much effort to determine that the current Prince Ning’s palace was really dominated by the Qiu family.
In fact, although this place is called Prince Ning’s Mansion, there are not even a hundred close friends of Prince Ning.
Prince Ning was one of the most disliked princes. His status as a concubine’s son was already very bad, but he was actually the eldest son of a concubine. He was deeply feared by the Tian family and other younger brothers. When he came to Kuaiji to become a vassal, except for the escorting army, , and there were less than fifty people with him.
The majestic prince only has fifty people to serve him, and no one would believe him if he told him.
With just such a small number of people coming to live in a different place, it is conceivable that most of the people in the palace belong to the Qiu family.
The Qiu family’s reputation in Kuaiji was not small, and they had a large number of clan members. It was better to use them to enrich the palace than to use those who did not know their background.
King Ning had been in the vassal for nearly ten years. He recruited some people and recruited hundreds of people in the Xian Hall. However, there were not even a hundred true confidants among them. The others were all in the hands of the Qiu family.
The custom in China is that men take charge of the outside world and women take charge of the house. However, for the idle prince, there is really no “outside” to take charge of, so Prince Ning will also intervene in some matters in the palace.
Of course, Qiu must listen to Prince Ning when it comes to important matters. After all, he is the head of the family.
Prince Ning was

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