e is far greater than her human side.

e is far greater than her human side.

Looking in the direction of the sun star, her eyes were slightly surprised.
/As the emperor of the Heavenly Court of the Earthly Immortal Realm, she naturally knew very well that there was another powerful Heavenly Man meditating deep in the Sun Star.
But I didn’t expect that the other party would actually make such a big noise.
Such a mellow Yuanshi Shen can be so vast, it is not as simple as entering the Tao level for the first time.
“It seems that his ability to fight against the Donghuang Taiyi clan relies on more than just two innate treasures?”
This goddess has a solemn face.
There was a hint of sigh in her eyes. Although she had also set foot on the Tao, even though she was the master of a heaven, she did not dare to say that she could be compared with the Donghuang Taiyi clan, Kunpeng Patriarch and other powerful people who had achieved Tao in ancient times.
They have reached their peak in ancient times and are only one step away from becoming the original saints.
However, she could imagine that the Earth Emperor’s breakthrough at this time would definitely increase the momentum for the Three Emperors Holy Court.
After all, this is a strong man who can compete with the top of the world such as Donghuang Taiyi Clan and Kunpeng Patriarch.
Now there is another breakthrough!
Deep in the sun star, deep in Zhang Jian’s eyebrows, a primordial fairy light like a rising sun circulates, and the mellow original fairy light rotates, exuding dazzling divine energy.
As the two Yuanshi personalities merged smoothly, Zhang Jian felt that he could form the Yuanshi true body with just one thought.
And the time that Yuanshi True Body can persist is not short.
This is already the second step for those who successfully set foot on the path.
When the three corpses return, taking the third step will be a matter of course.
Feeling the surging Primordial Immortal Light in his body and the nearly substantial Primordial Personality, Zhang Jian slowly fused it with the Earthly Emperor Dao Fruit, comprehending the various mysteries after the fusion.
I am slightly familiar with the brand new primordial personality in my body at this time.
Zhang Jian is preparing to go to the ancient wilderness to participate in the final decisive battle.
But before that, he planned to summon back the good and evil corpses left in the fairy world, merge the three corpses into one, complete the last step of practice, and then set foot in the ancient wilderness in the peak state!
Chapter 841 Four in one, the decisive battle
The fairy court and heaven are magnificent and huge. At this time, it stands quietly in the depths of the long river of time and space.
This huge heaven has not been developed for a long time, and its foundation is not very deep.
But after the hard work of the Emperor Dao Palace, it was enough to protect many immortals from wind and rain.
The Fairyland Heaven Realm stands in the middle of the unopened area and the neutral area.
This area has actually been affected by the war.

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