int of view, “Li Yongsheng is an orphan and has little money. How can he have so many connections?” “I

int of view, “Li Yongsheng is an orphan and has little money. How can he have so many connections?” “I

int of view, “Li Yongsheng is an orphan and has little money. How can he have so many connections?” “I
hope so,” You Xiaomao answered casually. , she has already reminded her that whether her boss takes it seriously or not is none of her business.
After she left, Xiao Tianzun thought about it and decided to contact Li Yongsheng head-on.
In his opinion, even if there are forces pushing this matter, it is not a serious problem. Once the emperor and his courtiers, Guangzong and the late emperor are all in the past.
What is certain is that this version of the story will definitely be to your liking.
However, if there is really a powerful force behind it, he still needs to be careful.
So Li Yongsheng was informed by Xiao Xianrou that Chief Xiao Jiaohua wanted to meet him and talk about the script.
As a mere undergraduate, he had no reason to wait for the dean to come to his door, so he could only take the initiative to visit the dean room.
The correctional room is a large courtyard with four or five entrances. The third entrance is where several deputy correctional directors work. When Li Yongsheng arrived, Director Xiao was receiving others. He could only stand and wait in the courtyard.
Just when he was getting a little impatient, a person walked up next to him, it was Tu Deli.
When Tu Deli saw him, he was startled for a moment, and then waved his hand, “This is not the office of Chief Tujiao. You come with me.”
He walked a few more steps, heard no footsteps behind him, and looked back. , immediately became annoyed, “Why don’t you follow me?”
Li Yongsheng spread his hands helplessly, and licked his lips towards Chief Xiao’s office, “It was the elder here who invited me here.” ”
Oh, give it back to the elder. Want you to come?” Tu Deli snorted disdainfully, even if he heard the word “invite” as the word “want”, he still didn’t believe that the other party could fall into Xiao Tianzun’s eyes.
It should be noted that among the four deputy chiefs of education, Xiao Tianzun’s ranking is still higher than Tu Yuanqing.
But then, he rolled his eyes. This poor orphan was not qualified to know Chief Xiao Jiao, so he must have gotten close to him.
/It’s not up to you! He stepped forward, lowered his voice, and spoke viciously, “Aren’t you going to see Chief Tujiao?” ”
I have business,” Li Yongsheng waved his hand and said calmly, “Don’t make a fuss.”
Don’t make a fuss? Tu Deli’s face stiffened for a moment, and then he became furious. He reached out and grabbed the other person, “How dare you ignore your elders in the correctional room, I will definitely punish you today!”
Li Yongsheng originally wanted to get out of the way, but his body moved slightly. , and held back forcefully, letting him grab her shoulders.
Tu Deli body cultivation can appropriately promote luck.
When he started, he didn’t dare to take advantage of his luck, because this was a place where the chief priests gathered, and he couldn’t be arrogant.
But after he caught Li Yongsheng, he could use his dirty tricks. He exer

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