el seemed to be used to it. After he put forward his opinions, he began to talk to some nobles alone.

el seemed to be used to it. After he put forward his opinions, he began to talk to some nobles alone.

Lord Cagel is not in a hurry at all. He knows the nobles very well. With his status as Earl Bunker behind him, it is easy to get the support of the nobles.
Earl Bunker’s territory occupies half of the land of Dasheng Planet, and the nobles here have more or less interests with Earl Bunker.
The Lord of Cagel City relied on this to get the support of many nobles, and all he needed to pay was just some small benefits.
“Baron Arthur, can you show me the ‘exoskeleton armor’ that can fly?” Charlie asked after seeing the end of Lord Cagel’s speech and pestering David.
“Wait until you get the chance!” David said casually.
He was thinking about the words of Lord Cagel. To be honest, if they really sent a knight, the Luce family would only send Knight Andrew.
Baron David cannot be allowed to join the knight team. Although he is also an official knight, when will it be the baron’s turn to fight in person.
Although David helped Knight Andrew change his equipment, that did not make Knight Andrew safer. You must know that their opponents were followers of the evil god with strange methods.
David still remembered the weird fighting methods of the evil god believers he had seen. It was estimated that Knight Andrew would not even be able to fight back when he encountered them. He did not want Knight Andrew to die in battle.
David also saw the method of Lord Kagel. Whenever he chatted with a noble, the noble would nod in agreement.
He was also prepared to wait for the Lord of Kagel to come over and listen to what the Lord of Kagel would say, so that the nobles who originally had objections would agree to the proposal of the Lord of Kagel.
But when the Lord of Kagel walked close to David, he saw Charlie who was still talking to David. The Lord of Kagel stopped. He did not chat with David, but changed his target. .
When David returned to the villa, there was an extra guest in the alchemy carriage, it was Charlie.
“Baron Arthur, where is your residence? Is it far away?” Charlie was sitting on the alchemy carriage, still asking David.
David discovered that Charlie didn’t pay attention to the alchemy carriage at all. Perhaps in Charlie’s eyes, the alchemy carriage was just an ordinary carriage.
/“It’s right ahead!” David said, pointing to the villa where the shadow could already be seen.
The reason why he brought Charlie back was because of the attitude of Lord Cagel.
The look on Nacagel City Lord’s face when he saw Charlie made David understand that Charlie’s identity was not simple.
Of course, not to mention the attitude of Lord Cagel, just saying that Charlie’s casualness when facing Baron David speaks volumes.
Coupled with Charlie’s ignorance of the alchemy carriage, David felt that Charlie was extraordinary.
As for Charlie, apart from being a little annoying, he was very easy to get along with, and he was David’s same age. At Charlie’s strong request, David took him back to the villa.
“Baron Arthur, your villa is

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