e training room.

e training room.

He did not practice immediately in the training room, but activated all the isolation patterns on the walls of the training room to completely isolate the training room from the outside world.
What David did next was absolutely taboo in the divine world.
He first took out a ‘Perfect Grade Kryptonite’ from the space ring, which he got from Dean Constable. At that time, he got five ‘Perfect Grade Kryptonite’ at one time.
It was precisely because of the ‘Perfect Grade Kryptonite’ that after the ‘Assassin Mantis Puppet’ killed Baron Cyril, David found that Baron Cyril’s body was well preserved, so he took action to refine Baron Cyril’s body into a puppet. idea.
Baron Cyril is a fourth-level sky knight, a true fourth-level strongman. When made into a puppet, he is at least the strongest among the third-level beings. If he is lucky, he might be able to make a fourth-level puppet.
David had seen how terrifying Baron Cyril was. He used so many methods to kill Baron Cyril.
If Baron Cyril was equipped, even if David went all out and used all his methods, he still could not kill Baron Cyril.
It was the power of Baron Cyril that made David think about making puppets.
Of course, David had not had such an idea beforehand. He did not dare to think of leaving his whole body when fighting a sky knight like Baron Cyril.
During the battle, David allowed the ‘Assassin Mantis Puppet’ to do its thing.
David sat on the ground, recalling the knowledge of ‘Corpse Control Technique’ in his mind again. He had used ‘Corpse Control Technique’ before to make an ‘Assassin Mantis Puppet’, but that was a long time ago.
Since the ‘Perfect Grade Kryptonite’ and Baron Cyril’s body were both extremely valuable, David did not dare to take them lightly.
He took out Baron Cyril’s body from the space ring. As soon as the body was taken out, blood poured out from the heart.
David’s heart moved, and he thought of another method. The energy feather wings on his back stretched out, and when the wings flapped, a stream of life energy flowed into the wound at Baron Cyril’s heart.
As soon as Baron Cyril was killed, he was taken into the space ring by David. Although Baron Cyril’s soul had been absorbed by Shadow Attendant at that time, there was still a trace of activity left in his body.
/This trace of activity was retained as David put the corpse into the space ring. In the static state of the space ring, this trace of activity was retained.
Originally, as time went by, the vitality of Baron Cyril’s body would quickly dissipate, and his body would no longer have any vitality.
But at this time, David used the energy feather wings to introduce pure life energy into Baron Cyril’s body, causing that trace of activity to continue to grow.
His mind entered Shadow Attendant’s body, and then Shadow Attendant’s hand passed through Baron Cyril’s skin, muscles and bones, grabbed Baron Cyril’s heart, and pressed it gently and rhythmically.
The blood in Baron Cyril’s body flows in and out of the ventricle as Shadow Attendant presses, bring

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