true. The music, chess, calligraphy and painting in the new era are probably like this. It’s because my ideas are out of date. I have always used the music, chess, calligraphy and painting that talented men and women were good at in the feudal era as the standard. It’s my fault.” Liu Changan said with great admiration. , after all, there are not many people who can make him refresh his ideas.

true. The music, chess, calligraphy and painting in the new era are probably like this. It’s because my ideas are out of date. I have always used the music, chess, calligraphy and painting that talented men and women were good at in the feudal era as the standard. It’s my fault.” Liu Changan said with great admiration. , after all, there are not many people who can make him refresh his ideas.

After getting Liu Changan’s approval, An Nuan filled out the form to register at the new spot of the house dance club, feeling arrogant and calm on the outside.
The news that An Nuan signed up to join the house dance club was soon known to Bai Hui. Since it was rare to recruit such a new person with the conditions, someone naturally informed Bai Hui, who was the deputy leader.
At this time, Bai Hui and Zhu Juntang were sitting in the activity room of the Xiangda Lolita Dress Lovers Club. The place was decorated like a tea party. After all, the usual activities of these lo ladies are actually sitting together, drinking tea, eating desserts, taking selfies, and communicating. Just a new LO outfit consultation, just buying and selling small skirts.
There are also gossips and peelings.
“An Nuan wants to join our club.” Bai Hui sneered. Anyway, he was facing Zhu Juntang, so there was no need to hide anything. Zhu Juntang was also standing opposite An Nuan.
“Just come in. How many people who are so tall can look good when dancing? It feels like a mantis punching.” Zhu Juntang does not have a strong sense of threat, and does not feel that her field is being challenged. After all, she Dancing is just average, and it is impossible to spend as much time and energy as Bai Fen does.
An Nuan is too much like a bamboo pole. Although Qin Yanan and An Nuan are about the same height, Qin Yanan definitely looks better when dancing, because her curves are exaggerated. When she dances, it doesn’t look like a mantis boxing, but more like a spring breeze caressing a willow. Just the swaying of her curves makes her look… Very touching.
Hearing Zhu Juntang’s calm relief, Bai Hui felt relieved. She always felt that An Nuan was just pretending to show interest in dance. In fact, she would not join the house dance club at all. She just saw that Liu Changan was interested, so Pretend she can dance too.
/How much interest Liu Changan has, Bai Hui is not sure. This suspense has always been a bit heart-wrenching. I used to dance to him “Learning to Meow as a Cat”, and he asked why it was not “Like Meowing as a Dog”, “Like Meowing as a Cock” or “Like Meowing as a Sheep”. “, but that day on the lake at Gao Dewei’s house, he danced “A Thousand Miles Inviting the Moon”, and he looked at himself with a smile on his face, somewhat admiring it.
Could it be that he prefers ancient style, or songs and dances with a little artistic conception and charm, rather than just being cute?
Thinking of this, Bai Hui suddenly realized, how could a vixen like An Nuan, who looks innocent but is actually sultry, not be good at being cute?
An Nuan is good-looking, and

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