pressing Cave was destroyed, and someone broke into the mountain gate, offending the Chunyu family and offending the Tingchang Mountain lineage. “

pressing Cave was destroyed, and someone broke into the mountain gate, offending the Chunyu family and offending the Tingchang Mountain lineage. “

“Everything in this, in the eyes of the people of Jianzong, is much more important than your life!”
“Ruoshan? Ruoshi?”
/“Besides, the person stationed at the Demon Suppressing Cave is Elder Ding. I know that person is quite capable and will not die at the hands of the people in Tingchang Mountain.”
“And as long as Elder Ding is alive, no matter who comes in the sect, there is no reason to act beyond Elder Ding.”
“The end of the matter still has to fall on Elder Ding, and according to the elder’s lazy temperament, as long as you and I don’t take the initiative to appear in front of him in the future, he is only willing to think that you and I have died in the Demon Suppression Cave, and there will be no one looking for you all over the mountains and plains. Kungfu!”
“Of course, I’ll probably have to put on a show afterwards and search the mountain several times.”
“Just hurry up and leave these mountains early.”
Maybe the whole day’s rush has taken away too much of Chu Weiyang’s mental energy. At this moment, the young man can’t even raise any emotions. After listening to Manager Ma’s words, Chu Weiyang just shook his head calmly. Shake his head.
/“Ultimately, I feel uneasy, but as you said, I have no choice but to do this. If I walk slowly, the risk of being caught will inevitably increase. If I walk faster, I am afraid of ruining my body, so I can only do this neither fast nor slow. It depends on God’s arrangement.”
“Fate is not up to you at all.”
“These are things I can’t decide. I focus on the details. Even if I drown in the water, I still have to struggle to stretch my arms and legs. Time waits for no time. I plan to start practicing my swordsmanship from tomorrow!”
“I have been thinking about this for a long time.”
“What can you teach me now?”
With that said, Chu Weiyang opened his bag, turned out the Taoist books, and carefully placed them on his lap.
Hearing Chu Weiyang mention swordsmanship, Manager Ma became completely energetic.
In a daze, Chu Weiyang even saw a bit of the master’s demeanor and a bit of the arrogance of a genius in this useless man with a bloody face.
“If you want to practice my sect’s swordsmanship, you should know where our sect’s swordsmanship is and what the purpose of our sect’s inheritance is!”
“Those who call it Qianyuan are great Qianyuan, the most grand and empty, the most noble and pure!”
“Therefore, the supreme swordsmanship of our sect is the way close to heaven and earth, such as the Zhenjiao Kaitian Sutra, the Jieyun Sutra, the Chengqian Sutra, and the Taiyin Sword Sutra, all of which are within this principle.”
“Don’t look at me like this. This is what the elders taught me back then. I don’t even know a word of this technique.”
“As for retreating to the next best thing, you can practice swordsmanship in all aspects. There is no difference between them, but there are differences in how difficult it is to get star

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