g 2, where there was already a domestic helicopter based on the A313A platform.

g 2, where there was already a domestic helicopter based on the A313A platform.

Because Xiaoyang likes helicopters and often buys helicopters, he is relatively familiar with helicopters. The helicopter platform in front of him originally used a Canadian engine. Later, the U.S. imposed sanctions and cut off the supply, and a new and more powerful engine was developed domestically. , the overall performance even surpasses the engine that has been discontinued in Canada. Although it is still not as good as Xiaoyang’s helicopter flagship, it is not bad.
Su Mei is relatively low-key now, and does not have a whole helicopter fleet like Xiaoyang. Currently, there are only three helicopters in Building 2 to meet daily basic needs. One of them is a dedicated medical helicopter, which is basically not dispatched unless there is an emergency.
Zhongqing was already waiting on the helicopter, and two men in black sent the iron cage up.
The helicopter took off, and the lamb was jumping around in the iron cage. “This is a conspiracy! They must be trying to separate me from my father. They think there is no point in me hiding in the cage!”
“No, the third wife said that since you like to change into a sheep so much, she will send you to Nanshan Ranch for two days. She also asked Jin Xiaomei to inform Yan Qingcheng that there is no need to make up classes tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.” Zhong Qing said with a smile.
It’s a good thing that she doesn’t have to make up lessons, but she’s just trying to be attentive for nothing. Either to provoke her or to steal her. Either she wants to steal her father’s hobby of Xiaoyang to make her more favored, or he wants to take the opportunity to irritate Liu Changan. Xiaoyang tilted his head, confirming that this is definitely not the case. A purely good thing, the little sheep must have been tricked again.
“I won’t come out of the iron cage.” The little sheep said firmly, “Qingqing, I’m hungry. I need to eat some fruit to have the strength to insist on being right with my mother.”
Zhongqing took some big cherries from the refrigerator, put them on a plate and put them in the iron cage.
“Qingqing, you are paying less and less attention to me now! Do you want me to say bad things about you in front of Dandan and remove you from the queue of waiting daughters-in-law!” Xiaoyang looked at Bi Cherry, whose hooves were even bigger, said angrily. If he hadn’t been wearing the Nightmare Armor, his soft fur would have stood up with anger.
/“Ah? I’m the daughter-in-law waiting in line?” Zhong Qing was startled, his cheeks turned red. What’s going on? This daughter-in-law must be referring to Liu Changan’s wife, right?
Isn’t this nonsense? Liu Changan has a serious girlfriend and many others, so he has to queue up?
“Hmph!” The little sheep fell down in the iron cage, kicked her limbs, and adjusted herself into a comfortable posture. She had to let Zhong Qing know, don’t think that she has swallowed up, don’t think that she has eaten the tiger whip, it’s because Hu is a little vixen who keeps

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