ew years earlier, in the last battle, she single-handedly killed two ancient demon kings and two ancient human cultivators. She buried that era and started the subsequent myth. .

ew years earlier, in the last battle, she single-handedly killed two ancient demon kings and two ancient human cultivators. She buried that era and started the subsequent myth. .

Is there an ancient giant here? Even Zhang Daoling was curious about its origin.
“You talk too much, you are annoying, and you won’t live long. Someone is chasing you because they value you and you are worthy of your pride.” The man covered in silver spoke.
Wang Xuan saw that he didn’t tell anyone’s specific situation and didn’t want to compare the color, so he said: “I don’t know whether that creature is a human or a ghost. But who is he? Why should he use a fishhook to catch me? I really take it seriously. I’m a little wild fish. I can put him in any tank he likes and keep him? I’ll chop him up sooner or later!”
“What’s wrong with fishing for a small wild fish? I’m still fishing for even pengs and dragons, and I’m tired of them all.” The middle-aged man covered in silver spoke and glanced at the peng egg in Wang Xuan’s hand.
Wang Xuan’s face turned cold. It seemed that the power of the dead land was beyond imagination. It was too terrifying. Even pure-blooded dragons and rengs could be regarded as prey?
He said coldly: “You can’t see clearly what my future is like, but it’s you. I feel like my life is hanging by a thread. You guys have no future!”
“Although you are really good and have grown rapidly, in this era, even death is a struggle, let alone you? You are destined to die young!”
The man in the coir raincoat walked forward, slowly raised his hand, grabbed Wang Xuan, and was about to take the prisoner and leave, but he lost his patience.
/The moment he raised his hand, a ray of white light flew out, like a crescent moon slash, which seemed to cut through the space radiated by the blood moon. The void was distorted, blurred, and extremely terrifying.
This person just raised his hand to restrain Wang Xuan with twisted space and put a shackles on him.
Wang Xuan has a big head and is indeed an extremely powerful person.
Of course, due to the limitations of the supernatural collapse of the real world, it is impossible for this person to reproduce the peerless power he deserves.
The flag in Wang Xuan’s hand spread out, and with a bang, in this radiation land with high energy intensity, the God-Slaying Flag was so powerful that it blasted out a vast golden light, crashing forward like a big wave.
Another person took action, and the bloody wave arose. The Dark Blood Cult Ancestor appeared and came to kill him. He blocked the white light flying out from the hand of the man in the raincoat with one hand.
“White Night Demon King, it’s really you!” The Dark Blood Cult Ancestor was shocked and took a few steps back.
“Who did I think was peeping out? It turns out to be you, little guy Ningxue.” The man known as the White Night Demon King said calmly.
Lao Zhang originally walked in with a calm demeanor and the demeanor of a peerless patriarch. However, after hearing this person’s name for Nether Blood, his indifferent expression becam

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