r, who is weak and who is strong?”

r, who is weak and who is strong?”

“If Wang Xuan wins, this battle will really make him a god among the young monks.”
Some people were communicating quickly with their souls, not even daring to express their anger, and looking intently at the battlefield.
“Suppress!” Qi Liandao shouted, all the golden paper was glowing, and countless monster characters poured out, forming a massive light of attack spells.
Wang Xuan stood with his head held high, showing no signs of escaping. Facing such a terrifying blow, he looked calm and his body was covered with light patterns.
Today, he didn’t even take out a single exotic treasure. He just wanted to test the results of his cultivation. He was targeted and hunted again and again. It was time to kill their arrogance, otherwise there would be no end.
It should be noted that even the Buddha talks about balance. Even when a Bodhisattva lowers his eyebrows, there are times when Vajra eyes are angry.
The sword light was overwhelming, and all the pores in his body were emitting sword light. His whole body was unstoppable, and he turned into a sword wheel!
At this time, the sword energy was like a rainbow, like haze, like a mighty ocean, pushing him up. He stood in the sky, rushed into the golden paper in the sky, and faced a massive amount of scriptures.
/Now, he is in the sword wheel, like the sun in the sky, shining with the sword’s light!
This is the secret skill in the Zhan Dao Sword Sutra on the golden bamboo slip that he practiced while digging for meteorites in the misty land.
Wherever the sword wheel passed, it was indestructible and nothing could resist it. All the demonic sacred texts were cut open one after another.
As for the golden papers falling all over the sky, the supreme scriptures created by the Demon Ancestor were also smashed into pieces one after another, burned, and ashes rose up all over the sky.
The Demon Ancestor Scripture cannot be materialized and was destroyed by the Dao Zhan Sword!
Puff puff!
Dozens and hundreds of sword lights flew out from the sword wheel formed by Wang Xuan, and all of them sank into Qi Liandao’s body, piercing him and nailing him to the ground. There was blood all over the ground.
Anyone else would have died, but Qi Liandao was actually alive, and some of his wounds were even healing.
“My lord!” Many demon cultivators shouted in the distance, and some demon cultivators rushed over. Qi Liandao was the biological son of the demon ancestor, so he naturally had followers.
A wrinkled leather scroll, somewhat primitive, light golden in color, slightly similar to the flag of the God-killing Flag, but far inferior in quality.
There are three petals wrapped in this leather scroll, which looks like a heavenly elixir? !
/Wang Xuan put it away directly. He stood in the air and was not idle while collecting the items, because there were still two enemies attacking him.
The sword energy blooming from the sword wheel was extremely strong, allowing him to fly in the air for a short time. He faced Qi Chengdao’s Celestial Im

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