

“No one died, and nothing was broken!” Wang Xuan let out a long breath. If there was an accident this time, there would probably be a dark history on his head.
/“It turns out to be a ‘beauty bowl’. No wonder Xiao Zhong likes to fake it.” Da Wu stood up proudly and looked back at Zhong Qing again and again.
Behind, the four young men also knew what was going on, and they all sighed and whispered.
“Lolena lied. No wonder she has such a good figure. It seems that no one can compare to Wu Yin.”
“But this guy is a tough guy, I really can’t bear to do it!”
There was also a young man with a Western face who gave Wang Xuan a thumbs up and said in a broken Eastern language: “Great!”
Wang Xuan’s face twitched slightly, and then he walked up to Zhong Qing without expression.
Xiao Zhong subconsciously took two steps back, thought for a moment that something was wrong, and stopped. She was also speechless for a while. This person who kicked Xia Qing to death and almost strangled another one today was indeed a bit fierce.
Zhong Qing smiled and said: “Actually, we are going to have people put on the super-material armor that we have initially researched today to compete with Mr. Wang and test each other. But since Lorena took action in advance, Mr. Wang will pass.”
Then she handed over a sutra book, which looked like an ancient object. On the cover was written: Snake Crane Eight Sanshou.
“Thank you!” Wang Xuan turned around and left, not wanting to stay any longer.
Then he saw the deputy from the relevant department from a distance. It was him who was coming here. No wonder many people came over first to ensure safety.
At the same time, he also saw three old men approaching, obviously they wanted to talk about something important.
Wang Xuan left quickly because the deputy from the relevant department and the three old men were obviously looking at him. Was he being targeted?
He had to discuss it with Lao Chen and ensure that he was not taken too seriously.
People waited for a day, but Lao Chen refused to die. But everyone had a premonition that Lao Chen would not survive the night, so big shots came to see him for the last time.
By the evening, everyone who should watch it has almost finished watching it, and they are waiting to “attend” the meeting tomorrow. Then Wang Xuan came and pretended to see Lao Chen off for the last time.
Soon, the two of them came together, picked up the black sword, and cut a tiny mark on the bone as white as jade.
In an instant, a strong mysterious factor emerged, which was astonishing, and soon penetrated the interior location ahead.
“Old Chen, this is the mysterious bone suppressed under the Buddhist ancestral court. I am a little bit better now.” Wang Xuan whispered.
“Then you can’t push me in alone?!” Lao Chen also felt a chill on his back, but found that Wang Xuan sent him in directly, and he stood outside without moving.
This time, Wang Xuan was also so tired that he was about to vomit blood. He was exhausted. He gasped for breath and stared at the interior ground. He f

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