ot of money. Have you produced any results?” Su Xuan suddenly asked.

ot of money. Have you produced any results?” Su Xuan suddenly asked.

Zhao Qinghan said: “There are some research results, but they are not enough. When the elixir of life is developed in the future, you will stay young forever. Then you will be happy and smile every day.”
Su Xuan looked at her and said, “I heard that your old classmate never showed up a few years ago and seemed to have some health problems. You later established this life science research institute, right?”
“Is there any problem?” Zhao Qinghan looked back at his mother.
Su Xuan said seriously: “There is a problem. I think you should have told him directly from the beginning. You wanted to treat him and help him recover, so you invested in this life science research institute.”
Then, she added: “At the same time, I feel that Wang Xuan from the old land is getting further and further away from the real world, and is almost in a state of loss of contact. Although he reappeared a month ago, he passed by in a flash. Is he gone? But, there is no news. If he goes away again, how many more years will he disappear? Three years, five years, or ten years? ”
/In the depths of the universe, the silver spacecraft cut through the void and passed through the wormhole. Wang Xuan took a shortcut to the desolate land and circled around the sphere of influence of the “Supreme God”, but unfortunately he did not gain anything.
Two months later, he ended his deep space journey and embarked on his return journey, approaching the old land a few days later.
“The path of strange people, once again walking in the human world, looking at the mountains, they are still mountains, and they are wandering again. Although they and I are different, it is time to return to the real world. What I pursue may not be in the universe, the soul and the real world. The source is all in myself, in my body, I have to settle it down and really find it out!”
“So, simply and directly, what’s the situation between you and that Wang Xuan?” Su Xuan was very concerned about her daughter and felt that the companies she took over were doing well, but the issue of her personal fate was still hanging and needed intervention.
“My friend, I haven’t seen you for a long time. I miss you very much. You don’t need to worry about it.” Zhao Qinghan said with a smile.
“Just be brave. Whoever has never been young can see his true feelings clearly after being separated for a long time, right?” Su Xuan tapped her fair forehead.
Then she added: “When your father went to the old land, he visited Wang Xuan’s parents and told them not to leave in a hurry when Wang Xuan comes back.”
“Hey, what did my dad get involved with?” Zhao Qinghan really didn’t know that Zhao Zejun was so concerned and said hello in person.
“Aren’t you afraid that if he shows up, he won’t stay for two days and then runs away again? He seems to be taking root in the deep space of the universe. Isn’t it possible that if we don’t see him this time, we have to wait another three years or ten years?”
Su Xuan stirred the coffee and said, “He

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