s leave the cave first. If there is a change, we are not allowed to return.” Su Tong’s face turned pale. Is there going to be a big change in the sect?

s leave the cave first. If there is a change, we are not allowed to return.” Su Tong’s face turned pale. Is there going to be a big change in the sect?

Soon, he went out and rushed to the Immortality Sect stronghold in Kaiming City to learn more about the situation.
In the meantime, Ling Xuan also left and received the message.
It wasn’t until half an hour later that they came back one after another.
“That’s too much!” Su Tong was angry and looked ugly.
This time, it was Ling Xuan’s turn to use his spiritual imprint to perform a miracle. When the broken fragments of the decree transformed into the cave, a ray of blood steamed up.
The originally damaged decree was stained with blood, which was normal.
It’s just that the ray of blood turned into a magnificent secret realm outside the sky, and the texture rules contained in the blood actually interpreted a heavenly book.
“How did the first forbidden chapter come about?!” Wang Xuan was surprised.
He immediately understood how terrifying the master of the decree was, it was really unfathomable.
“How many years ago did the broken decree stained with blood cross the sea of ??stars?” Wang Xuan couldn’t help but ask.
“It’s not a matter of this era. The specific age has long been unverifiable.”
“At that time, this universe was just a universe with occasional myths, and it was far from becoming a transcendent center.”
The words of Su Tong and Ling Xuan made Wang Xuan fascinated.
Su Tong said angrily: “This time, they went too far. No wonder the real immortals in this world did not agree. The foreigners just asked for the “Forbidden Chapter 1”, but they also wanted the help of the four major religions to try to return to the origin and practice training again. Transform the decree into fragments.”
When Wang Xuan heard this, he also felt that these people were too ruthless and wanted to bring this large cave back to its original shape? But what to do with the monks and ordinary people inside? This is the extraordinary world home they rely on to survive.
Fairy Lingxuan also felt heavy in her heart and said, “Moreover, I, the True Immortal of Zixiao Palace, have confirmed that this group of people was not sent here by the co-lord clan.”
After Wang Xuan heard about it, he was dissatisfied. Before he could get the forbidden first chapter of the complete book, someone came to cut off the scriptures and take away the scriptures?
/At the same time, he is also extremely fearful, and it is absolutely terrifying to dare to pursue the forces stained with blood.
The top leaders of such people and forces either did not die back then and are still alive today, or they are latecomers who have inherited and acquired the orthodoxy of one of them.
This was not a good thing. He decided that he couldn’t take it easy anymore and had to hurry up and get the forbidden first chapter.
That day, there were some undercurrents surging in the world where extraordinary people lived. Some people got the news and began to prepare to exit the cave.
The four major sects, their true immortals

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