

The divine voice of order undulated like waves, and Wang Xuan punched out, blowing most of the broken No. 72’s body apart.
In the sky, the big red heavenly sword struck by the imperial spear was dim and trembling violently. The spear actually crushed the top banned items in the extraordinary central world, which was shocking.
The outside world, whether it is Yuandao, Zhuo Kong and the Dragon Hunters, are all shocked. This treasure in a remote universe can actually suppress the Great Red Heavenly Sword?
“It’s one of the top banned items. It’s just the same thing. You ridiculed me for being an earthly treasure. If I break it, let’s see what face you have.” The Royal Dao Spear is very tough, and it sends out waves of consciousness. It’s really not It’s just a tough talk, its strength leaves people speechless.
/The Royal Dao Spear turned into a big stick and was still swinging violently. It made a buzzing sound and turned into a bright wheel of light, driving the power of endless rules, leaving countless afterimages and constantly fighting.
The big red sky sword brought the starry sky with red clouds, making the void of the universe tremble. It suddenly opened the imperial spear and slashed downwards.
However, contrary to everyone’s expectations, the big red sword was not directed at Wang Xuan, but towards No. 72.
In fact, at this moment, No. 72, the strong man of the mechanical clan, had more than 80% of his body broken into pieces by Wang Xuan. He was in a state of disgrace and was about to be completely killed.
The scarlet sky knife passed through, and the immeasurable red clouds flooded the starry sky. It chopped No. 72 into pieces with one knife, annihilated directly, and completely disappeared!
At the same time, it swept away the bright fragment of fire, tore open the space-time vortex with one knife, and was about to rush in and disappear from this battlefield.
“Still want to leave? The sword must be cut off, and the fire must be left behind!” The Royal Dao Spear burst out with powerful fluctuations of consciousness, and was held in Wang Xuan’s hand. The two merged into one, and struck the Great Red Heavenly Sword!
The brilliant space-time vortex was like a funnel in the dark universe. Both prohibited items rushed in, and the light flashed and was extinguished instantly.
The whole world became quiet, and the deep space returned to cold and dead silence. Nothing was left here, not even the mechanical body of No. 72 was annihilated.
Everyone in the outside world was shocked. Is there a winner in the battle?
However, at the last moment, how could the terrifying Great Scarlet Heavenly Sword Chixia Billions of Threads chop off the holder? Many people are wondering whether they have seen it wrong.
“Vicious!” In the Amu Star Territory, the great evil spirit Zhuokong spat out a mouthful of old blood. His vision turned black. He felt heartbroken and lost. The loss this time was immeasurable.
“It must be No. 63. He has always been connected with the Great Red Heavenly Sword. He is the one controllin

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