At this point, he changed the topic and said: “However, our priority this time is to solve major problems such as the must-kill list.”

At this point, he changed the topic and said: “However, our priority this time is to solve major problems such as the must-kill list.”

After “You” transformed, he had a very powerful aura. Legend has it that he had experienced the disaster of “everything and everyone”, and his current human form resembled an abyss.
At this time, he paced and said: “This time, we are targeting the upper and lower must-kill lists at the same time!”
As soon as these words came out, all the saints were shocked, especially the Yudao creatures like the True Saint Wujie who always felt the threat of death from the list, and their hearts suddenly fluctuated and they were extremely excited.
The thousand-year original bloody battle ended early. He was the biggest winner. If he could destroy the list, he would no longer have any worries.
/“In addition, before the 23rd century, the old extraordinary center, which was once prosperous to the extreme, experienced unpredictable changes, which must be investigated clearly. I feel that it may be more serious than we imagined. The Heng and Taichu motherships are undergoing various preliminary stages. kind of preparation.”
All Saints was shocked. 23 centuries ago, that extremely glorious era left too many legends behind, but it eventually became an abandoned and decaying universe. Something went wrong?
Some people have known about it in advance, but more true saints have heard about it for the first time.
Wang Xuan stretched his muscles and took a walk outside the giant palace. He moved slowly like an old saint who had lived for more than 10 centuries. In fact, he was eavesdropping.
Dao Yun has protected him in ancient and modern times, allowing him to vaguely hear some of the secret conversations in the giant palace. Of course, they are all fragmentary words.
/“Remnants, as the Old Saint, you should have some understanding of the group of supreme beings who set out on the road. Are they all dead, or are some of them surviving?” This is the voice of Wangyou, the leader of the Origin camp.
“Find that old boy. All the paper figures he made have become saints. Although he is a little crazy, he is actually deeper than me and has access to many core secrets. After all, the Supreme Old Saint wanted to He tried to break six, even though he failed.”
This is the response of the remnants of the leaders of the old camp.
Wang Xuan’s heart was churning. The old boy who appeared in the dusk scene had such a high status? Contacted the core layer of the Old Saint.
As for his talent, Wang Xuan was not surprised because he had heard a brief mention of the mobile phone wonder.
Unfortunately, the secret discussion in the giant palace was slightly interrupted. It seemed like a huge thing was moving around, which made people’s hearts palpitate. It was “Nothing” speaking. Even a few words could not be sensed, and nothing was transmitted. .
“Twenty-three centuries ago, there were unprecedented changes. Will we encounter them now?” Finally, another veteran true saint’s voice came, which should be from ancient t

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